Everything posted by lanesteele240
2015 LEGO Trains?
I want this years creator train to be rocket powered and have radar that cooks other trains in front of it No seriously. If the pick a brick just offered a better selection of train stuff and more colors i would be happy. The rocket power functions can wait till 2016
G1700 Cargo
Very nice model, you did well. murican engins look much more masculine than the euros. Im still trying to get used to the fact that we are not the only ones with trains. But back to your mode. It looks great
- BrickLinking (another) 10179 UCS Millennium Falcon
[LDD MOC] Death Star Kenner-style playset
You could add in the final dual I and II You get the emperor, his thrown, luke and a few imperial troops. You could also add a picture of a space battle facing the window in the emperor's room to make it look like he can see the battle going down outside
Replicating all of the angles on a modern GE EMD hood
You can airbrush clear coat on your water slides to make them tougher. You have to cut them out around the decal and tone down the shine with dull coat or Matt clear. Spay light coats and cut out with a new and sharp #11 xaxto blade Use hobby clear and test on unused decals or the information bit at the bottom of the sheet. Your models would shine even brighter if they were lightly weathered.
Millennium Falcon 75030 micro fighter build/destroy
I could never figure why the imperial navy and storm troopers could not shoot. A big part of me wanted the star destroy to hit and blow up the falcon in the vid. I had to settle with it getting very badly burned My cover is blown. I pulled for the dark side the whole time
Millennium Falcon 75030 micro fighter build/destroy
Being a guy that would use one of the good M-80's from back in the day(not these lame ones from today) to blow up good toys, i loved it.
BNSF GE Evo ES44DC Locomotive in 7 wide.
Are you the legobeast or legodevil
- MOC - Grand Admiral Thrawn's Private Command Room
Building the Emerald Night with a 4 yr old :-)
This is why you go ahead and buy 2 sets of all of them when you find out the wife is pregnant. I wish i would have bought more. The sets are a fun investment
BNSF GE Evo ES44DC Locomotive in 7 wide.
Will you please direct me to a tread that shows how to make trucks like those. They are jaw dropping. The whole engine is. Heck fire, im enamored
Hello all. Im about to jump into the bottomless money pit of lego tra
Wow the double cross over is that much. Dang. I call it the pasenger train derailer because it used to struggle to get through it with out stalling or tipping over. Im still looking for a bogie truck that can be used with this motor I think it is called a bogie. I call them trucks. I saw one on here. It had a a cone gear that drove the axles and the springs were made from small lego peices. The main part was made from tecnic looking parts and gears. Next im going to spend the time to find all the parts and get the sets "complete" again. I found the manuals and more track. It kicked up many memories of me finding the bricks for my son to put them together.
MOD: Conrail GP40 in the style of the Maersk locomotive
Very nice
Hello all. Im about to jump into the bottomless money pit of lego tra
Thanks guys
Hello all. Im about to jump into the bottomless money pit of lego tra
I have been a modeler of many different platforms for over 30 years. I started lego when you could only build houses with walls and no roof. Oh and fences. My step-son came along 10 years ago and it re ignited my love for the bricks. I have a ton of Ho scale trains but im going to make my layout with legos. Im burned out on track polarities and shorts so all plastic and power functions for me. Here is the stuff my son had and no longer plays with (stupid video games) He has more track. I just have to find it in 15 boxes of mixed broken up starwars and city sets Im going to get two of the current cargo trains and make the Maerks the main loco of the group and move on to making my own with the other #8882 motors. There are a few things i dont understand. Why dont they just sell straight track. We have enough curved track to go around the house but only 5 straights Will one of you please point me to a tread on how to make six wheel trucks with the gearing for the #8882 motors Thanks for looking I also plan to sell some of my "investment" sets i bought long ago to finance my building
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