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  1. Here it was after the first evening. Allmost no bricks inside. I used a combination of color and type sorting. We put the stuff in from a lot lego we bought (26 sets) and built 9 sets of it. The sorting is good for us, as we've found everything quite fast. IMG-20150411-WA0008 by ddecroubele, on Flickr
  2. Very nice room! Some very nice ideas, so I ran to IKEA last weekend :). Cant add a picture right now via mobile but i'll try to upload one thuis weekend. Thanks!
  3. Very nice crane! Look slike gathering of the Belgians here :-) Greetz
  4. Thanks for the tips. I'm planning on more switches, but first need to layout the track to see where its best so me and my son can reach everything and still play :-) Hey Patje, Thanks for the answer. I'm from Bavikhove (Harelbeke, close to Waregem and Kortrijk). You? I'm going to BrickMania in Wetteren in 2 weeks. Are you there with BeLug? Thank you, maybe if "finished", you can visit with your son. I saw your track and my son was playing behind me. He loves it very much and was very enthousiastic. The playability is what it is and I cannot change a lot on the table. It is luckily quite low, but I cant make any holes because under the table is the storage room of my wife :-). I'm allready very happy with the table :-). Where do you live? Thanks for the tips, D2 looks good, also because of good accessibility. I'll look into it when I lay the layout. Nice to be on an active site like this. Greets!
  5. Thanks for the nice words. Left side is actually 1m15, but I didnt find manual dimensions in bluebrick. Extra connections between inner and outer are comming but have to be accessible by Rune at the bottom side of the layout (other three sides are walls). Bridges and tunnels are soemthing we want very bad, but not in this first layout to learn some geometry. Train yard needs to be compacter and for more trains, so top right is for scenery (low accessibility). Bigger radius me tracks are also an option fort outer track so we can run the fast train fast :). Grts
  6. Hi all. I'm Dries, 33 yo and I live in Belgium. My son (6 years) wants to buy the 60051 and when his grandmother heard about this, she bought the 4-in-1 super box with the 60052 for his communion. For the last few weeks I've been frequenting this site for general info, and the AFOL virus got me... I downloaded Bluebrick and made a first design. I have a quite big attic where i have a table of 7,5m wide * 2m deep on biggest side where i used to run my Ninco slotcars. I cleaned it up and now we are going to put a permanent lego rail layout here. First raw sketch: I need extra straights (+- 130, yeay for bricklink), and we'll need extra connections between inner loop and outer loop. I also want the train yard to be compacter, but i'll look into that. Tips and tricks are welcome.
  7. Very nice design. I like the simplicity
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