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Everything posted by syclone

  1. Wow, that thing sure is crammed with functionality! Fantastic replica as well, the time it took to build it shows
  2. I'm assuming you're talking about LDD? If so, for that you need to enable developer mode, refer to the following topic for instructions: https://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?/forums/topic/151152-ldd-developer-mode/
  3. Reverse-engineered mmyself a copy, mad little nugget
  4. Looks like a lotta fun! I know how hard it's to cram RC at that scale, but yours managed to do it beautifully Looking forward to the video
  5. That's gotta be the best deal ever possible in the history of Technic deals Congrats!!!
  6. Now that you mention it, sounds very likely, considering the recolored re-release of the cherry picker set...
  7. Ecologically friendly car, with a Volkswagen badge slapped on top
  8. Well, most likely Mercedes or Ferrari (maybe McLaren or Aston Martini?), since they're the "big guys" and had licences in Speed Champions. But I'd rather see an AlphaTauri, their 2021 livery is the most simple one with only 2 colours, so the Lego model would look good even without the stickers: Wonder what they'll use for the tyres - Tumbler ones?
  9. Assuming the info is correct in regards of scale, here's more or less how it will look like side-by side with Sian:
  10. What a monster this will be size-wise A bit dissapointing it's not in-scale with neither the UCS supercars nor the Ducatti though, but if this means it'll have a more complex mechanics, would be great. Maybe functional brakes? Plenty of space for it, albeit they'd need something similar to the flex cables.... 200/55 ZR 17 on rear -> 653mm diameter -> 1/5scale -> 130mm 120/70 ZR 17 on front -> 599mm diameter -> 1/5 scale 120mm Edit: seems I was a tad slow to answer
  11. So, something that could've been a system set was needlessly brought into Technic and looks... well bad. At least a bigger black inventory I suppose hahah.
  12. If I recall correctly: The encoder has two parts. The PCB with the pads indicating position and the rotating dial thingy that connects the pads, which tells the servo what position it is in. The pads are made from a softer metal (copper?) and the rotating thingy is made from harder material (steel?). Due ro that, during use the copper pads can get damaged and sometimes you can fix it by cleaning them, but other times the servo won't come back. Aaaand, they're known to break often (hence the ludicrous prices for genuine Lego ones). Had they made both parts from same type of metal (with the same hardness) it perhaps would've failes less. But we don't and won't know, since TLG never bothered to try and fix the issues, simply replaced the broken motors.
  13. Pretty sure the replacements for consumers because of servo's incredibly poor reliability due to a design defect had cleared them of any extras they had
  14. I certainly hope we won't get yet another new panel - perhaps they'll use the triangular one from Sian, or use flexaxles? The MK panel could fit, but honestly it'd be a tad overbearing due to the big size and intricate curvature. Edit: 50$ pricetag.... #21/22 panels? honestly no idea what they would do on such a weirdly shaped car.... Besides, I'd rather see more colour variety (not like I care personally, but all things considered would rather have my MOCs buildable for others) Overall a dissapointing, but not surprising list.
  15. It looks like you have missed the second paragraph m8... "USB-C will be the common port. This will allow consumers to charge their devices with the same USB-C charger, regardless of the device brand." Brand and device type are different things. The only devices affected are the smartphones, tablets, cameras, headphones, portable speakers and handheld videogame consoles. Any brand making these devices will, in fact, need to obide by the new EU law. However if said brand is making something different, they're free to use whatever you want, even a serial port on those vibrating sticks if it fancies you so You can also download the factsheet, where on the second page it lists the devices affected))))) Otherwise we'd also need a USB-C port on microwaves, toasters, washing machines... you get the gist))) Regards, syclone♡
  16. From Q&A of EU comission. Pretty sure LEGO falls into neither category listed. So most likely they'll keep using the cheaper one - Micro USB (since they're still using it, unless I missed something?) Sources: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_21_4613 (from Q&A section)
  17. Well, if that becomes true, I'd be down for some Knight Rider action as well
  18. Unfortunately it seems as a modded charger from the front - take Dom's charger, remove grilles&supercharger, cannibalise the rear et voila - "batmobile". Same car, same colour. Yes, the rear does looks weird, but the vast majority of the car from all other angles is a body shell, that resembles a charger. I'm pretty sure there are better vehicles for Technic line-up, licensed or not. But oh well, money from superhero fans speaks louder.
  19. So yet another black, movie-licensed, Dodge Charger??? I hope this one at least won't be Technic too...
  20. I'll have to second this. Prices seems more or less the same (looking at motors as separate parts on BL, not the single motor "sets") Though, since TLG no longer replaces PF motors, going the eastern way is probably the same as buying a second-hand motor. German seller Bluebrixx also offers "their own" system - so if customer service is a worry, this option could also help. CADa have also a good record with this. But I'll leave the moral choice to you ------------- As far as the RV: I'm not particularly knowledgeable when it comes to studful building, but wouldn't that connection of mini-LAs to the "lift" using 1x1 Technic bricks be at risk of separating? Since (I assume) a motor is also mounted on that plate and adds extra weight that pulls down, plus the gears pushing against the gearrack, perhaps these placed under the 1x4 bricks with the slidey cutout could be used for a more bullet-proof construction? Albeit, as I said, I've no idea whether it's something necessary, just seemed a bit weird to connect using only top studs without something to prevent that connection from separating. Love the small cars, really sleek design. Perhaps the red version could use the white stripe from the earlier green prototype? It could add some personality I think. Didn't really mind the exposed 8t gears with 2x2 plate, but the later hinged version with small steering wheel does look much better while retaining the steering functionality - which is really impressive considering the diminute scale.
  21. Laptops&PCs provide VERY low current (~500mA) hence such slow charging speed. It is much better to use your smartphone's charger, which is most likely rated at much higher current value (also BuWizz 3.0 supports Quick charge according to their website, which most modern chargers also provide).
  22. Unfortunately it seems they are including a lot of temporary sales into that for those who have none to minimal interest in Lego, and losing a bit on the long-term buyers, who instead buy their competitors that do offer what they desire. But I know nothing about the works "behind the scenes" in TLG, just seeing more and more fans and parents no longer needing the red square on the box and an embossed logo on the bricks... (I'd be ready to start an inquisition some time ago had someone mentioned that someone could make a better set than the danish ) Or maybe I'm, in fact, "too green" for the hobby, albeit that could also mean that older sets provide a must-have experience that is irreplaceable by the new ones, and I should start collecting those ASAWA (As-Soon-As-Wallet-Allows) Anyways, I seem to find my ways to enjoy building. And making useless comments on the net about my personal dissatisfactions. Yeah, that too . --------------- ------------------- - ----------------------- ------------------------ Amazing review as always Jim, although I do have a heavy disassociation in regards of the opinion on this set. Maybe if it weren't for financial reasons and there was an EU retailer that offered the set without the electronics, I'd eventually budge just because of the yellow parts, but even so 8043 or 8257 seem much more attractive . Looking forward to more alternating beams in sets though, a much needed part, and very glad it's in a usable, neutral colour (blaketh the black) unlike... well y'know, a lot of parts I do wonder what they have against tilting rippers on bulldozers (since it has been omitted/faked at least twice or thrice. Perhaps even more...). As far as background goes: your usual, or even, signature (for me at least) gray works better (and I get it that you're still opting for it, which is good to hear). Blue&Yellow is a beautiful combo, that is true and I very much agree that the pictures are fantastic, but it can be a bit "too much". Perhaps too bright? Or just a bit into the eyes considering the vast amount of photos a detailed review like yours has - seems more suitable for a presentation photo (unlike, some, ehem, 18+, ehem, box artwork) But that means that I can take my time admiring both your photography and writing skills
  23. Especially if they were metal (which I had supposed they were!). Just the front assembly of the Barcode truck looks so much cleaner rather than if it were made with levers or axles, not to mention the flexibility of the system. The 3D printed alternative seems like a great solution, perhaps it would be possible even to use the filament itself, making some notches on the ends for the clamps? (Although I'm not sure about the inner diameter of the LEGO tubes, the filament comes in standard 1'75 and 2'85mm)
  24. I know of a local guy who without having a bike driver's license bought a Ducati just because "there was empty space in his house that he wanted to occupy". A fully working Ducati sportsbike (that particular one was ~6-7 thousand euro). Simply to put on display. I wish he would pay my bills too, since I also seem to have empty space in my pockets... So essentially, they chose to make this model unnecesarily large, make new parts for it due to that, slap an expensive license and charge a premium price. They missed out on re-introducing a Technic fig though, since it seems it's perfect scale... Could've added another 50-60 euro on that It does make sense what you're saing, but we can't know the exact costs behind each thing. What also has to be accounted for IMHO, is how many sets use the part before/afterwards - some of them might never get reused (buckets from Volvo&Liebherr for example), others have already been used in various other sets (like the yellow variant of suspension arms). In this case it might take some time before we see the track pieces reused, as they're gigantic, and unless the LAs become permanently black they might even never appear again in that colour (same with yellow 5x7 frames, as it already happened with their other colour variations).
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