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  1. I'm not very good at taking pictures, but here is my MOC for the Merry Men's camp, with tons of hidden features in the spirit of Robin Hood
  2. I agree—I would've made a bigger castle if I had the budget. As it is I made it bigger than planned. And thank you very much! I am a sucker for all of the different castle accessories, and it is nice how much more selection there is nowadays
  3. Thank you very much :) As a huge Castle theme fan, that was a big draw for me to design it. I included all of the knights that are found on the Round Table at Winchester Castle, so most of the ones that are named. There are still some that aren't there though, since some stories have 150 or more knights. I really appreciate the compliments :) Originally I made these minifigs using decals, but I thought it made them look too stale—so I used existing Lego prints to make them match up as much as possible with existing Knights of the Round Table. I am glad that you can recognize some just by looking at the picture
  4. Thank you very much! It was a lot of fun to design and build, even being repetitious :) I have always loved King Arthur and Lego, so I couldn't resist
  5. After 3 years of design in LDD, and 1 year of accumulating parts, I have finished my Round Table Hall. It is based on the ordering of the Round Table at Winchester Castle, as shown here: https://childrenofar.../roundtable.jpg These are a few general photos, and I will take some more with detail later. If you like these, be sure to check out my Robin Hood MOCs as well: https://www.flickr.c...6995@N05/albums My Flickr account also has these photos in higher res (although I am a busy person, and the photos aren't too great)
  6. Thank you very much! That would be great to have a set of the tournament, although I am not sure I could make it much different or cooler than Kingdom's Joust. Do you have any ideas? I appreciate it, LittleJohn! I was curious to see what you would think. I had fun designing it. You are the first to mention the brown grass stalk :D
  7. After several requests, I have made an MOC of a Sherwood camp, including Friar Tuck and his faithful dogs, Marian, and another member of the Merry Men roasting a fish. The MOC includes: A hut covered in vegetation, with loopholes on the sides for archers, a table for eating using gold dishes, plenty of food in barrels and crates, and some tools and cooking utensils on the wall A campfire surrounded by rocks and places to sit, with a fish rack and a bipod for making stew The target, conveniently "borrowed" from the tournament grounds, with which Robin Hood split his opponent's arrow Three minifigures, as mentioned above: Friar Tuck, Marian, and another member of the Merry Men roasting a fish over the fire. Since Friar Tuck is such a difficult minifigure to design with existing Lego pieces, I decided to give him his characteristic look using a yellow sticker over the bowl cut hair piece (after deciding that painting made the hair indentations even more conspicuous). He is accompanied by his trusty dogs. You can see better pictures of the camp on Flickr at https://www.flickr.c...157659507712026. This is also a project on Lego Ideas if you like it enough to support it or share it: https://ideas.lego.com/projects/119057 I have always wanted to portray Robin Hood through Lego bricks. I hope you like it, and if not practical suggestions are always welcome!
  8. I am not looking for total confirmation, but more just trying to gauge whether Lego would produce a castle set alongside Nexo Knights. I know people who aren't fans of this theme are getting stomped out of this thread, but it is important for there to be open discussion about what this theme gets right and doesn't get right (IMO). If this theme was coming out simultaneously with castle sets, I doubt any exclusively castle fan would care about what Nexo Knights is doing. I think most would admit that this theme is getting a lot more care and attention given to it than the last castle line—even just the new heraldry (as opposed to rehashes of lions and dragons) and number of sets is enough to show that.
  9. Is there any news on whether Lego is considering this a castle theme? Not talking about threads here, but how Lego would categorize it
  10. I was thinking the same thing! It is crazy that they used so many different forms of lions and dragons on the normal castle lines and only waited for a line like this to bring out so much new heraldry. A shame, really
  11. Interesting comments. I like your perspective. As silly as it sounds, I think I might post a 7,000+ piece MOC of mine for a social experiment and catharsis :) That way too if it does well it can send a message to Lego that people are interested in such a theme I don't either—perhaps they are hoping that Lego brings back old sets with more modern pieces, although it looks like that is against their house rules anyway and can be flagged
  12. Interesting points, and I agree with aspects of what all of you say. I think even here is a good illustration of why Lego Ideas is how it is, since there are so many views on what would work and what wouldn't—and of course business no doubt trumps them all. One thing I probably get the least on Lego Ideas is how they run the Staff Picks, and if there is an area I think they could make changes that is it. In the house rules they say that getting Staff Picks does not influence final decisions on products, but I have seen time and again where obscure projects will get viewed that way and continue to pick up momentum from there. And of course there are other projects that get Staff Picked but then fall back into obscurity. I just wish there was some sort of consistency with the timing of Staff Picks and variety in what they choose. I have seen some projects basically be Staff Picks for five days (from the beginning of Thursday to the beginning of Tuesday), and others for less than a day. Some projects have also been chosen as Staff Picks multiple times. While this is their decision, I think it would be nice to get even more regularity in switching the picks and then more people would have a chance to be recognized. Staff Picks doesn't guarantee success, but is a nice way for the supporters to easily see a project and decide on it. I also wish there was more variety there, since most Staff Picks are especially colorful and digital, and often include logos. That does make the product more marketable and appealing, but there are some great products on there without that. The way things are now I guess is another argument for being able to edit your cover photo, so you can compete with other successful models and improve over time.
  13. I can see where you are coming from. We just have different perspectives on how it should work. I realize certain people would just resubmit their projects over and over, but some people at least would stop. And then you would have other people taking their projects back to the drawing board, and improving them for the next submission. This is something I would do, and to me is closer to what Lego would want in terms of promoting creativity and we could learn from our building, marketing, etc. As things stand right now, you might have an ugly project shown on the thumbnail that turns out to be much better now in an update, but few will click on the project to know about the update. I am also not saying that I would stop looking at new projects, since that is something I am regular at doing. The filter by amount of supporters would just be another option you could look at, and I think would help some projects not drop into obscurity (like many do after they get initial votes when first submitted). Sometimes I am curious to see projects in different phases and I don't want to click through dozens of pages to browse them. After all, it takes viewers to get to 1,000 votes or more and the top couple of pages. I guess I am looking at it less as filtering out, as you say—more like zoning in on projects with certain amounts of followers sometimes. I would be ignoring most projects on Lego Ideas when I chose to do that, and not just hiding the least supported ones. Also, I agree that most of the votes come from marketing/promotion—but I also think many people get inundated with ideas projects, and sometimes projects will not make it that I think would in the right circumstances. I just think some tweaks and additional features would bring some more projects to light
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