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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. I think one CMF licensed series and one regular CMF series per year is good enough.
  2. I wish they would do more than just one big set per year, at least three small sets per year would be great too!
  3. My mistake! Thanks for clarifying though! :)
  4. The bike next to Krusty looks like the similar to the one he and Homer had to use to play a skit for Fat Tony (it was a miniature bike)
  5. -I am sick of (in order of most annoying to least annoying) Star Wars, The Lord Of The Rings and Chima themes. -I think Castle from 2013 and Hero Factory were just plain awful and boring. -Mixels remind me too much of MegaBlocks, therefore I have no interest in them whatsoever. -I am not particularly fond of the new Pirates theme, its almost as dull as the Castle theme was from 2013. -Am I the only one bothered about how they COMPLETELY disregard Lego Fusion now? Like, no sets being released for holidays or even any type of add ons whatsoever (I mean the only good one was the Friends and town ones) -Lego City is just nothing but different types of mini figures in law enforcement, can we do something different for a change?
  6. Oh my gosh! I would love to see it when you are done! Will you post instructions too? :D
  7. This looks great! Do you happen to have an IG for your MOCs? :D
  8. I wish the Lego store would offer a small shopping bag for customers lol it would help very much in these predicaments I think
  9. I really wish these sets came out earlier than August 1, I cant wait to get the Mystery Mansion and the Mystery Van! It would go great when I decorate my room for October with those sets and the Monster Fighters Haunted House I have yet to build (been waiting on it since I got it for my birthday last year) I do wish I could have gotten more Monster Fighters sets...
  10. I went to the Lego store early on Saturday, I only planned on walking out with six MF but ended up doing the whole set in less than 30 mins. I impressed even myself having been able to get them all in one shot with no repeats at all! So now my collection is complete! :D I also managed to finish building my Kwok-E-Mart set today!
  11. I have no problem staying in the store for 30-40 minutes just feeling the bags, most customers who are collectors such as myself do it too. In fact, at my store, they sometimes give you a box from the back to go through near the PAB wall (which is the least crowded area during busy hours for most stores). I wonder if I will end up buying all 16 that day lol.
  12. Going to be buying as many as I can on Saturday when I get to the mall! So pumped! I hope I wont get any repeats though lol
  13. What does BotBS mean?
  14. Sounds pretty neat to hear how you all handle the stickers, a friend of mine told me that he uses the Brick Separator to put them on, that works great too! On a sidenote, I am having trouble with the Powersource boxes, they are not able to be moved around like how the instructions show, they are all stacked in a straight line for me.
  15. I have been collecting CMF since The Simpsons Series #1 so now I kind of have a problem where I must get all the series (as long as I like the licensed ones)
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