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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. The non-lego balls do not get pushed far enough and are indeed getting stuck, the next ball will push it onto the ramp. Depending on the speed/angle (or whatever) sometimes both are released onto the ramp. Going to try and make some changes to the lift/off-ramp and if I can it fixed. Thanks for the tips and observations
  2. I have finished building the Step Module and found two (minor) issues with the building instructions; - Page 2 and 3 are identical - On page 47 you are supposed to connect the structure for the steps to the base for the output hopper. But based on step 3 on 37 the hole within which the red technic pin 3L (32054) is supposed to go, is already occupied by a black technic pin (2780) (see picture below). Simple fix is to move the connection for the technic liftarm (32524) one slot over. I have tested this module with the Quercetti balls and it seems to be working well enough, although sometimes balls get dropped at the first step (happens onces in the video below). Very happy how this GBC module turned out. One strange side-effect is that after building this Step Module my Ball Factory has stopped working completely. Any ideas what might be causing this issue?
  3. They ship by default to the Netherlands and Belgium, but are also offering some options for Germany, France and the UK. They also state for further options contact their customer service, maybe that is your best option to find out if they are willing to ship to your location. ​You can contact them using the form on this page http://www.knikkerbaanxl.nl/contact Good luck
  4. I have measured a total of 10 of these marbles. The diameter ranged from 13.8 to 14.1 mm (average 13,88 mm). The weight ranged from 1.38 to 1,45 gram (average 1,4 gram). I have tried several other alternative balls (14mm beads mostly) and these were the first I got to work perfectly with the Ball Factory.
  5. These are indeed made from plastic (it is just that the product is named Marbles).
  6. After spending a couple of hours fixing all the timing issues again I could test the Ball Factory with the Quercetti Marbles (100 pcs). At first balls were dropping from the top of the spiral lift straight down to the ground instead of onto the slide, but making sure the top angle connector #1 is absolutely horizontal fixes the issue. I am very happy with the results :)
  7. Tried Some unofficial balls as well with spectacular results....
  8. I have finished building it and it is awesome . Now I only have get a little more balls... Made a couple of minor changes to the machine Mod 1) Added pillars under the base of the Spiral Lift making it a bit less easy to break The pillars are made out of 12 x Brick 2x2 (3003) and 8 x Plate 2x2 (3022). Mod 2) Replaced the Technic Pin (6558) with a Technic Axle Pin (43093) + Technic Axle Connector (59443) on the Ball Dumper module. This ensures that the grabber sits just a little bit higher, creating a tiny gap between the grabber and the bucket mover. The grabber was hitting the bucket mover, making the movement jerky and also caused additional stress on the arm which moves the bucket mover back and forth.
  9. First steps have been taken on building the ball factory :)
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