- LEGO Pirate Photography
Lion Knights Island Outpost
nice work, but i feel the dock is slippery. careful.
Custom British Naval Officer
nice. since u give him paper clothing, try giving him belt so he can hang his cutlass. hehe just sharing some thoughts. what was the pigmy/ pony tail made of? look very british. good details.
MOC: Ambush
that's great. i knew he's there somewhere, concealed. thank you for showing. "Oi Jerry. Here's the sharpshooter. Get him! Get him!" p/s : is the scope made from original lego parts? not brickarms right? where can I find those?
MOC: Ambush
Hmm, looks like Commandos the video game ( the Green Beret?). May I suggest you bring in the sniper using the latest minifigure Pilot's torso, with grey hair. I would love to see that with any brickarms sniper rifle.
REVIEW: 10210 Imperial Flagship
If you go to Bangsar Village rite now, u may find the set at 40% less by TRU. Last time I went, there were only 5 boxes. I just got ONE.
One very attackable merchant...
hey what about the islanders? they suppose to be in between, right? trading tropical fruits, wild parrots n monkeys, seashell necklace etc to what ever armada they meet (brits, french n spanish)? they are not in the right state of war.
What you want in a Fort
hear ! hear ! and it should have bar lady making merry sherry, monkey madness and honey funny so that the soldiers (off-duty) to have drinks after a long guard and patrol duty. after all, where would the soldiers spend their wages in a remote fort? sending it to their in-laws? Bah! What a tease.
- Box Art - 6241 - Loot Island
My fleet is complete (Pic Heavy)
I'm speechless but truly inspired. Now will you excuse me. I'm building a big big ship. " row, row, row a boat . . ."
REVIEW: 10210 Imperial Flagship
Hye, Im just new to pirates theme and was in dilemma to have my first ship. It was between BBB against 10210 IF. Every times I passes Lego shop here in The Gardens Kuala Lumpur I shall stop to watch the BBB (constructed) in window glass display. Beind it was IF in box with price tag of RM 1099. Phew! The BBB sets here in Malaysia cost RM 500, about half of the IF. Other than the price, my second consideration was the amount of Lego parts involved. I never assembled Lego sets >1500pieces before. and third consideration, the space I need to put it on display in our bedroom. At last, it was a split second decision when I went to Bangsar Village and saw the IF sets at TRU with 40% less discount. I didn't hesitate coz there were only 5 IF sets on the shelves. Now I'm a proud owner of the IF with a little worry in my head. Having reading your review, it gave me the rough idea about building it. However, I haven't start the building yet coz I'm spending every night on this whole week to rearrange our bedroom layout so that I could have more space to start construct the set. I'm gonna make it slow and steady coz I know The Imperial Flagship wasn't build in a day. Not a late starter like me. I'm building a big, big ship. Yeay!
Greetings from Malaysia
Guys, I got my first ship already. Imperial Flagship. with 40% discount from original tag price No kidding. Patience is virtue my friends. ha ha
Come Celebrate Lego Christmas @ Bangsar Village, Kuala Lumpur 26 Nov 2
Yesterday 27 Nov 2010, me & wife went to Bangsar Village in Bangsar Kuala Lumpur to see the tallest Lego Christmas Tree in Asia. I heard it from The Star newspaper a few weeks before and of course the date was immediately keyed-in into my phone calender as a part of my must-go event. The event started on 26th Nov. We arrived early about 11 a.m because it always difficult to get parking space here especially on weekends. Equipped with our old Canon PowerShot S2 IS 5.0 MP, we spent about an hour taking snapshots and watch the Lego displays in awe. There are stock clearance sale by TRU. Up to 40%+ 10% exclusive for members. There are not only Lego sets, but some Lego merchandise like mugs, key-chains, umbrellas, Christmas items like stockings and Santa minifigs are also available. Of course I did not waste this opportunity to buy my FIRST EVER pirates ship - set 10210 Imperial Flagship, the only available Pirates set on sale here. Did I mentioned how lovely my wife on that day? (Coz she is a TRU member, and we entitled a 40% discount from original price ! + RM 40.00 TRU voucher) :wub: Not only that, we got chance to enter a contest - the task : count the number of santa minifigs hidden among the christmas tree. To tell you, we had to count 3 times for each of us before we stopped arguing and agreed on the final answer. The total? Come here and count them yourself and then you know how we got the neck pain. But don't worry, the mini Santa(s) were put until the fifth layer. Otherwise to contestants may be caught for climbing the tree by the security guards ( oh yes - there ARE security personnel guarding the tree). If you are visiting Kuala Lumpur during this festive season, don't forget to drop by. For tourists especially Lego fans out there, Little Brick Man wishing you, "Welcome to Malaysia" & "Merry Christmas" for those who celebrates it. p/s : If you are craving for authentic and tasty Malay foods, just walk across the street opposite The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf. There is a nice cafe called 'Chawan'. For more pictures, please visit our Facebook.
Harry Potter Minifigures by tin7
I would like to see Firanze or Bane the centaurs. Ho ho ho.
LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 3 poll
I go for the Pilot. The white moustache. Helmet and goggle (like SW hoth trooper, only it's not). That backpack ---> is it a parachute? Looks like a veteran pilot. An Ace maybe. So classic and nostalgic (WWII era? dunno).
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