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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. These are completely incredible Theodoric! Do you have any still for sale?
  2. Just sent you an order for the elven helms :)
  3. I'm still here - just been a bit busy :) The torsos come from Green Pea Toys on ebay. It looks like they're on vacation (store on "away" until 9/25) but you can see their flickr here: The helmets come from here: http://www.bricklink.com/store.asp?p=Dan76. I think the one here is even more impressive, but it's gdugaucquier's personal custom work: http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=112909 The shields come from here: http://www.bricklink.com/store.asp?p=Friend.bricks All of these things are solidly made. I'm not sure if they'd stand up to children's play, but they're more than durable enough for a display - they don't feel any more fragile than stuff directly from TLG :) Hope this helps!
  4. I'm very open to that. Have you used any specific brands or colors with particular success? Out of curiosity, what weapons are you looking at? The brickforge elven swords are pretty solid, but hard to have the figs hold in the pose I've got going here. I buy third party accessories extensively, and considered them here, but feel none are right here. The form is as important as the color to me...and the form of these cut helmets is simply much better than any of the 3rd party solutions. I'm pretty patient about these things - it may just be an issue of experimentation over several months to get things right
  5. I'm hear to learn, so please do intrude . I'm interested in painting/coloring the helmets because 1) they're speckled gold/black, which doesn't match up with anything movie-ish and 2) the underlying plastic, so trimming the ridges on the helmet has left it mostly black in a way that makes it very clear modification happened. My interest is in getting a single even tone, far more than the particular tone. The silver idea is interesting, although I think I prefer a gold color. I'm very open on what that gold color should be and also think your olive green arms idea is a good/interesting one. Any suggestions on paints/approaches on those alternate colors (e.g matching the metallic gold). Have you tried anything similar and, if so, are there pics somewhere to check out? Very interested in what people have tried :). This is great info, thank you!
  6. Hi folks, I've got some helmets I need to re-color to match lego pearl gold. I did some searching, but wasn't able to find any clear recommendations. Has anyone else gone down this rabbit hole and, if so, what did you find? For reference, I'm looking to match the helmets to the arms on my Elven soldiers: Untitled by bricklearth, on Flickr
  7. 2-3 dozen. A fair few, but not a really giant number the way some folks do :) The helmets are a kind of gold-black speckle right now, plus the underlying black is exposed from where I trimmed the parts. I want to paint them to match pearl gold, but haven't been able to figure out a good color match yet. But shape-wise they're done :)
  8. The color match on your paint is so good. What brand/color did you use? I'm looking to paint some different helmets pearl gold :)
  9. Your stuff really is inspirational. This, and the pre-official LoTR sets, are some of my favorite MoCs of all time :D
  10. They're not *that* bad - bricklink, plus some patience Thanks! The helmet hack is not an original idea, although I cannot for the life of me remember where I first saw it.
  11. Thanks! I've been meaning to post those, but got a bit busy this weekend :). I"m gearing up to work on a minifig-scaled fell beast for the nazgul to ride. A lot of the design of the new "Red Creatures" creations set can be reused - the idea is bascially "different head, different wings, longer neck, and built using black parts".
  12. I've been working on building up an army of elves, using Elrond from the Witch-King Battle set, and some slightly customized helmets from the Atlantis theme. I think they look pretty solid form-wise, but haven't painted them yet, so they're clearly in-progress. Even in their not-done state, I think the effect of a dozen of them together is pretty cool, so I wanted to share/get feedback. It might be a better question for the Minifig customization forum, but does anyone know a good paint to get close to pearl gold? Need to track that down to finish these :) Untitled by bricklearth, on Flickr by bricklearth, on Flickr by bricklearth, on Flickr
  13. As promised, here's some more of these guys, plus some still-in-progress Rangers and Denethor: Untitled by bricklearth, on Flickr by bricklearth, on Flickr by bricklearth, on Flickr
  14. Your guys look awesome, and that Minas Tirith is sweet! I ended up not waiting, b/c I was worried that these parts would sell out (some are from v. low quantity producers)...but it would be great news if one of the big 3rd parties got involved. Seems like it would make a lot of sense too - it seems like there'd clearly be a market for Gondor kits. They could even design them around a "best fit" more common minifig.
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