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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by Juun

  1. I found 9516 Jabbas Palace for 128 euro is that set worth the price?
  2. Are we allowed to discuss the new advent calendar?
  3. The only minifigs I have standing on a super jumper is Iron Man and Ultron. I use the translucent cylinder pieces you get with the minifigs on the super jumper and have Iron Man standing on top of those cylinder pieces. It gives him a hovering in the air effect and you don't damage the minifig this way.
  4. Wow, I only like Rey's Speeder and the Millenium Falcon. My wallet is very pleased by this. The X-Wing and Tie fighter looks nice, but since I havent seen the movie yet I dont feel much for it. The rest of them lack design in my opinion. Also why is Kylo Ren holding a toy sword? It looks like one of those kids training swords. :P
  5. I wonder if we get a Deadshot mini figure if he will be based on the the movie's Will Smith character, Arrows Michael Rowe character, or give him his mask so he has a more general identity.
  6. Perhaps it includes some sort of pullback mechanism?
  7. I think we might get a Catwoman for the racer sets. Seeing catwoman hasn't been released for a long time. And in each set she came in in the past she was on a motorcycle.
  8. As just a casual Scooby Doo fan I only recognize Scrappy Doo as he is a pretty big character. That said I don't think Lego will produce more sets to introduce minor characters not many people know. There might be a next wave with Scrappy Doo in it, but I think the Scooby Doo line might end there, unless the new cartoon is going to be a real hit.
  9. So the winter soldier ad on the website has been removed and replaced by the popstar from last month. I really hope the Winter Soldier comes back, otherwise no purchase on the Lego shop for me for awhile.
  10. I think it might just be Lego's design. When I got the Scarlett Witch from the Marvel series I didnt realsie she was wearing a skirt till I saw a picture of her. And realised the weird colour was supposed to be a skin tone colour.
  11. Which sets did you buy to get the polybag added? Ive been trying endlessly today and yesterday to add stuff to the bag but I keep getting a popstar in my bag and not the winter soldier its pretty frustrating. And now the Mystery Mansion from the Scooby Doo set is sold out aswell. :(
  12. Is it exclusive to Marvel sets? Cause I added some different sets to my bag and I only get the popstar polybag. The website is updated saying Not sure if it applies to only the UK but it might be just a typo coppied directly from the UK webshop.
  13. So eventhough some 3d party shops still say they are delayed till January the Dutch Lego shop has them listed! Eventhough they are sold out already. So Im glad we don't have to wait till January. :D Just till September for the mystery van since same as the French shop its sold out for 30 days.
  14. Kind of odd that the UK is getting them but mainland Europe isnt. The distance between between the UK and France is less than 5km its like a truck load away between the two. I can imagine resellers buying truck loads and selling them overpriced on second hand markets. I cant believe Lego Company wants that. :/ Besides isnt the Lego that the UK gets made in Denmark anyway?
  15. Haven't seen them listed anywhere in the Netherlands yet. Only one store has them up for pre-order but they are listed as January 2016. :(
  16. Juun replied to kevkipo's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    What I noticed with the Ghostbusters set was when they were sold out they went back in stock a couple of weeks later. But thats my experience with the Lego online store.
  17. Apperently the Brickshow got their hands on the new Sith Infiltrator. :o
  18. I actually really like the new falcon I never had the chance to get the 7965 one. So this will be a nice replacement. And a real nice minifig selection comes with it.
  19. I really hope for a re-release of the Black Pearl. I missed it when it was out and the prices are crazy high now on them.
  20. According to a dutch retailer website the Scooby Doo line has ben pushed back to January 2016. I would assume this is why it wasnt showing in the German and Polish catalog cause I would assume this date would apply to most of Europe. Source (dutch): http://www.brickshop...ry-machine.html
  21. Dont worry usually the euro > dollar converter companies use for prices goes something like this 1 dollar = 1 euro. And probably the price in dollar is yet another -21% cause of Euro including tax in the price.
  22. Funny how the seating upsets people not being accurate. Eventhough there is a batman causing trouble on the ship. :p Really awesome build! Its inspiring me to make some small replicas of certain parts of the ships for on my shelve to display some of the minifigs. :D
  23. Thats a really vague statement to make. Europe is rather a large place concidering how many countries there are in Europe. :p
  24. Juun replied to vitreolum's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    This could totally be from the microfighter series haha.
  25. I bought a bunch of Microfighters and Battlepacks. To bad the Imperial Troop Transport was limited to only 2 but that was probably one of the best deals as its overpriced everywhere else or sold out. Bought: 2x Imperial Troop Transport 1x Shadow Troopers 1x AT-AT Microfighter 1x Snowspeeder Microfighter This got me at 58 euro to be eligble for Yularen. Yes I think thats what it means the Dutch store says this: *Hurry! Limited availability of Death Star (10188) at discounted price. Probably means just a limited amount of discounted Death Stars.
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