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Eurobricks Vassals
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About WarHawk

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  1. That rocks....very well done, and it just screams awesome to me.
  2. Looking great, and nice lil read.
  3. Playing together is one of ours as well. We play a table top war game sometimes, I let him set up the table, he will have anything from one of our castles to a city fire station, all at once. The table is so random, but he comes up with lil storys of how everything got there. I love the creativity with both his builds and his story telling.
  4. Welcome, cant wait to see some of your work.
  5. Welcome and enjoy your stay.
  6. He is a smart megablocks for sure. And he does repeat anything I say, and finds just the right time to do so, which makes me laugh most of the time.
  7. I was in my toy room yesterday doing some spring cleaning, when i started to take some older sets apart, thats when my youngest son came in and was like "DAD what are you doing?" I said calm down just taking some sets we dont use apart. He walked over to me said can you sit down, I said sure. He said DAD there are rules in this toy room, we do not take apart the sets we build. I said to him, " Colin we never use", thats when he cut me off and said " DAD never now get them put back together.....The whole thing made me laugh. But he said it as serious as a heart attack. That is the part that made me laugh. So i did put thesets back together, and I called to him and said " hey does that meet your approval, Lord Business ? He said to me, " Yes it does, and lets not let this happen again."
  8. Welcome..new my self...hope to see ya around the board.
  9. Welcome, and hope you enjoy your stay.
  10. I would have to say the star wars rebels Ghost, that ship is awesome. I also really liked the Dc iniverse builds as well as the agents, I use the agents as agents of shield so they fit in perfect with my Marvel Stuff. I could never have just 1 favorite build.
  11. I am a very new member but this is how I feel. You buy what you want, from who you want, if you enjoy what you bought, thats great. If you like lego only again your choice. Thats what makes us all different, and well rounds the commuinty. I find myself liking building blok toys in general, not just lego. Lego does have the largest place holder in my collection tho. I tend to do a lot of custom work, like sculpting on minifigs and making custom weapons. It really come down to what you enjoy. Its your money do what you want with it. Just remember to enjoy yourself. In the end its about having fun in this great hobby.
  12. I gotta read over how the game works, but will do.
  13. Yeah my man , love it so far. A lot of cool people and stuff going on here. Thanks again for the invite.
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