AG - Introduction and Discussion
Nice work Octan ;)
[M - G03] The Final Mission
Location: G03 New California Tags: Military Building Double D's log 50: How I escaped the alien, well, that's a story for another time. Having worked underground for months, it is time to perform one final mission followed by the completion of operation vanish. -------------------------- I wanted to make one last AG build before the game finished, and it seems quite fitting that this is (likely) my 50th build for the game. It's been awesome, go MANTIS!
TheLordOfBricks started following David FNJ
AG - M.A.N.T.I.S. Training Camp
Please transfer all of my credits to SpacerSteve :)
EB Xmas Raffle 2016 - Your ideal Snow entry thread
Here's my entry! Thanks for doing this! Alone by David FNJ, on Flickr
BrickBuilder7622 started following David FNJ
- Microscale Tree Mini-tutorial
Challenge 5 - Space Olympic Games
Super cool categories!
[M-F03] Preoccupied
Wow, monsters of andromeda HAS to be a thing! lol Cool build, the fp background looks great!
- [M - A06] My Terms
- [M - A06] My Terms
[O - G02] Operation Cold Feets
Wow, these are incredible! Each of the vehicles is intricately detailed, and have incredible shaping! Awesome job!
[M - C04] Patient Record L8C04
LOL wow that's so funny! The larvae and salad look great!
[M-F03] Setting the Trap
Wow, what a story and what a build! That mech is fantastic, and I like the foliage around the base and the sloped landscape. Great work!
[O-HO6] Back in Business
Fantastic design! great use of the boat!
[M-A06] Returning to the Fleet
Super cool design! Looks great!
[M - A06] The Well
Location: A06 Guinevere Tags: MANTIS Double D's log 48: I ran through this alleyway and that alleyway, knocking over any and everything I could to stay ahead of the Alien. High-heat energy shock lasers exploded around me, though mostly ahead of me. It was almost as if the Alien was only trying to trap me... but all I knew was that I had to get to the lower levels of the GU-Labs and Weapons complex that were underground. Several "Wells" were located throughout the facility that open up into the underground levels, so I immediately headed for the nearest one and jumped down.... I can hear the Alien close behind me... but I have a plan. To be continued!
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