I really liked the 3179 repair truck but I kind of thought it lacks few things so I went and upgraded it a bit
here's the whole story
our little repair man couldn't have done this by himself so he called for backup
they both started dismantling the truck
parts used for this upgrade
as you can see I used the "mechanic arm" from 7901 airplane mechanic
now the pics of the new upgraded truck, our repair men are sure feeling happier :)
the new features are longer mechanic arm so the crane can reach higher ground, remote control for our repair man can
operate the crane in case he's alone on the job, crane controls on the truck itself, upgraded bucket with holders
for remote control and other tools if neccessary
here you can see the longer wheelbase, actually I pushed the back wheels 1 stud back because I didn't like that
rear lights were too much pushed beneath the rear end
here you can see the new crane controls
crane can now reach higher :)
and the upgraded bucket
and off they go :)
so that's it... I may come up with new ideas for this truck so I'll update this topic :)