Everything posted by Xon67
- Assembling Bricksburg
- Assembling Bricksburg
Assembling Bricksburg
Did you ever wonder what the view was from Emmet's balcony? I've had several folks requesting models lately. As I've posted multiple times in this topic, I'm hesitant to publish them because I don't wany my work abused. I've seen it done multiple times with other's work by companies overseas. I'm sorry that a few bad apples spoil the bunch. I think it's fantastic when these models get built physically, but I just can't bring myself to post these publicly. I hope you will understand my position, even if it's disappointing.
[MOC] John Deere X9 1100 with HDF35 Header
Wow! That's a lot to fit in that scale. That's fantastic!
[MOC] Extension for jungle explorer sets
It fits right in! Very nice!
Assembling Bricksburg
Hello, All. Good to see there's still activity around here! Looking at the fist page of this topic, I saw that there were a few images that disappeared from it (including the Bricksburg traffic image). I've reposted them, along with some updates based on some new sources I found over the years: Fish Building with updates, including additional roof detail "Windows" building update The reverse angle of this building has a very different look, making it almost look like a separate structure: More to come?
Totally Turbo Turtle
What do you get when you cross the Turbo Turtle from LEGO's Rebuild the World campaign with Tank Girl?
- NEBULON-B Escort Frigate, 81cm long, 2593 pieces
Bad Batch helmet--Tech
Came up with an idea to build a Tech helmet with the engine piece and the Minion "goggle" piece. Here's the result.
- [MOC] Micro city
- Assembling Bricksburg
Emmet's modular suburban 1950's modular house with vintage Plymouth Fury
Go Emmet! Long live the LEGO Movie!
Assembling Bricksburg
Hi @TMBuilder709, thanks for stopping by! As I've posted on this topic previously, I'm hesitant to release models because I don't want to see them get abused, such as showing up on off brand sites as an actual set. I've seen it happen multiple times. I'm sorry that a few people ruin things for the rest of us. I have posted full 360 images of the service station on the first page of this topic. I hope they provide enough reference for you to build it. If you have questions about any specific part of the model, feel free to ask and i'll be happy to respond. I don't visit here as often as I used to, so I'll have to ask for some patience in getting a reply.
- Assembling Hawkins
- Assembling Bricksburg
- Assembling Cloud Cuckoo Land
Assembling Bricksburg
@Mr Classic Are the table and chairs shown on-screen? If so, when? I missed them... I just made something up. I posted detailed images of my bathroom on the previous page of this post--about half-way down the page. Again, I made stuff up. I have no idea what is sticking out above the toilet tank (your second picture above). I have the feeling that there are pipes above the toilet and sink (your third picture above), but I just left them out because I couldn't figure them out. Thanks so much for the screen grab of the TV stand! I had made mine up. I updated my model to use what is shown above. I know the table shown in that picture is different than the one in Emmet's apartment. All of the angled items were placed individually in the way that you described. It took way more time than I'd like to admit. I don't know of any easier way to do this in LDD--it wasn't designed to do this. I wish there was an easier way.
Assembling Bricksburg
Anatomy of a trope Ingredients include: - 1 house exterior - 20 studs x 30 studs - 1 house interior - 90 studs x 119 studs - 1 Super Cycle - 8 studs x 26 studs Directions: Enter small house exterior. Run Super Cycle rapidly through large house interior in 144 frames. Exit small house exterior explosively.
- Assembling Bricksburg
Assembling Bricksburg
@Mr Classic Yup, it's some version of Emmet's kitchen back there. I assumed the placement of the cooker based on what i thought could be the exhaust hood on the left, but it just as easily could be on the back wall. I believe the piece you have circled is a LEGO Plate 1 x 2 with Handle (Closed Ends) (48336). I have some updates to my version of Emmet's kitchen that I will post next for you. @Kamora If you look at the top of the previous page in this topic, you'll find a post by GLAP23 that links to a very excellent and up-to-date model. Here's the last room of the house for Emmet's Super Cycle run:
EB Xmas Raffle 2018 - Your Santa MOC winners thread
Mine arrived. Thanks for all of your hard work, CopMike! You rock!
Assembling Bricksburg
- Assembling Bricksburg
- Assembling Bricksburg
- Assembling Bricksburg
- Assembling Bricksburg
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