Everything posted by Xon67
Assembling Bricksburg
You may have just stumbled onto a clue to the story in the sequel. What if it isn't just the Master Builders who went underground to get away from Lord Business? What if there's an entire network of underground activities? These could include unlicensed ambulances, counterfeit Octan products... and dare I say it?... off-brand interlocking brick systems? Oooooooh... It could be a very, very dark story...
- Assembling Bricksburg
- Assembling Bricksburg
- Scooby Doo - Knight Time Terror - Haunted Mansion
- Assembling Bricksburg
Assembling Bricksburg
Actor Builder--I like your take on the sequel. That would definitely allow them to keep to the same approach (a LEGO universe that crosses over to the human universe). Here's another possibility: it picks up right where the last one left off and either doesn't go into the human universe (so that it doesn't show an older Finn) or it uses a different actor for Finn (which would be disappointing 'cause he was really good) as is done in other movie series (Honey I Shrank/Blew Up the Kids/Baby, anyone? And also Chevy Chase's Vacation movies--I think?) Or maybe it goes in the completely opposite direction: Finn is all grown up and has become an astronaut, taking his LEGOs into space with him (thereby allowing BlackStar to see his M-Tron Magnet Factory) possibly with some kind of Magic Portal crossover into Episode VIII, where we find out Finn is somehow related to Luke Skywalker and has Jedi abulities, where he uses his Master Builder powers to save the New Republic against the latest super-weapon, the Death Solar System, by creating the ultimate defense, the Death Shield, entirely out of LEGOs. (Simultaneously breaking the world's record for the largest LEGO build of all times.) Just a thought... Electricsteam--Great idea. I'll post it there when I get back to work on it. Mediumsnowman--Is there a specific mudguard you have in mind? I took a look at them, and didn't see something that I thought matched, but I may have missed some...
- Scooby Doo - Knight Time Terror - Haunted Mansion
Scooby Doo - Knight Time Terror - Haunted Mansion
Another update: KlodsBrick--Thanks for the comment! While I have tubs of LEGO bricks in my house and enjoy building with them as much as the next AFOL, I find that I can do projects like this much faster with LDD. It especially helps when working out design problems before a physical build starts. And when LDD is combined with a good renderer, like Bluerender, I think the results can be really great. BlackStar--I'm pretty sure the inside is bigger. But not by much! lostdriveway--I'm playing with some color choices. The roof on the far right is the color that is used in the show. The rest of the roof is the color that is used in the official LEGO set. I'm not sure all of the slope pieces we need for the roof come in any one color. So, we'll have to decide how we want to approach pieces that don't come in the colors we want. I'll get some specifics together for you and then we can discuss it... Next, I'll finish the roof and then it's on to the clock tower...
Assembling Bricksburg
Yes, it would! And possibly Bricksburg versions of the newer modulars; the detective's office and the bank, each with an extra floor, antennas on the roof, and a few other greeblies added. It'll be interesting to see how much they keep vs. how much they change/add in the sequel. Will Emmet even still live in the same place? His apartment backed up to the construction site and judging by the direction the demolition crew was moving, it didn't look like his street had much time left...
Assembling Bricksburg
Yeah, I'd like to figure out that copper chopper, too. That's another one that makes me cross-eyed from staring at small blobs of blurry pixels. I have the front third or so of it done--maybe a bit more. There's just no good views of the back of it. At some point, I hope to finish it. Maybe I can make another attempt after the train? Hmmm. Seems like my schedule is filling up... And only 28 months until the sequel is released!
Assembling Bricksburg
The train, huh? well... It just so happens that when I started this project a year and a half ago (when the movie came out on disc), my first builds were the Sea Cow, Emmet's double decker couch, the hotel, and a few other items that I haven't posted yet, including... the train... I dug through my archives and pulled out my .lxf files for the train. They aren't 100% complete--I'm not set on all of the details and haven't finalized all of the color variations on individual bricks. As you alluded, not all of the train is shown clearly in the movie. Staring at the black-on-black details of the engine for a period of time was enough to make my eyes cross. Also, the log car and the caboose aren't much more than a collection of blurry pixels on the screen. So, ultimately, I put these on hold. For now, here are some quick renders of where I left off over a year ago... Boxcar: There's something on the underside of the boxcar that I can't figure out. At times, I think it's a small boat hull/dingy. Other times, I think it's a couple of Technic panels. If anyone has any ideas, feel free to post them here. I marked the area in these pics with the thin red lines: boxcar underside 1 boxcar underside 2 Tender: Steam Engine: Since I mothballed the train, however, I have come across some additional references for the engine. I should be able to finish it now. I will still have to fill in a lot of details on the log car and caboose, though. So, lostdriveway, I guess this means I've accepted another one of your challenges! As soon as the Scooby mansion is done, I'll get back to work on the steam train! All aboaaaaard! BlackStar--Feel free to make suggestions. I have a list of things that I plan to work on, but I'm always open to ideas. Also, if you want to post another update to Emmet's mech, I'll take another turn at that as well!
Assembling Bricksburg
Miro78--Those are the clearest photos I've seen of Finn's basement. They're great to see. Thanks! BlackStar--I'll get around to some completely custom MOCs eventually. For now, I'm primarily focusing on the LEGO Movie. I might be able to complete everything just in time for the sequel to come out... and then start all over again... :-)
- My Tree House
- Assembling Bricksburg
- Scooby Doo - Knight Time Terror - Haunted Mansion
Scooby Doo - Knight Time Terror - Haunted Mansion
Here's my latest update. The main part of the mansion now sits on three 64 x 64 baseplates and consists of 6119 bricks. With the greenhouse, we're now over 7,700 bricks total. I wanted to do a render of this to get a better idea of what it looks like, but Blue render likes to throw a java heap space error when there are a lot of bricks behind each other in a MOC. I've successfully rendered MOCS with more total parts in the past, but this build must be too many parts deep. Until I figure this out or get a different renderer that will handle it, I'll keep posting LDD screen grabs.
- Winter Village: Cider Mill
- Winter Village: Brewery
Assembling Bricksburg
krisandkris12 and Actor Builder--Wow! What high praise! Thank you! One final update on the micro-scale street--I realized I left the fire escape off of Emmet's apartment building. It's there now. This build finished with 2,613 parts--almost double the 1,356 parts in the LEGO Mini Modulars 10230 set. It's not quite a fair comparison, because I didn't follow the "standard" of the official set, which seems to choose as many small parts as it can, such as multiple 1 x 1 tiles in a row for sidewalks, etc. I intentionally kept my part count down by opting for larger parts where I could. Next up: It's time to finish the Scooby Doo mansion and then it's back to downtown Bricksburg.
- Concert Grand
- Modular Garage
Assembling Bricksburg
Thanks, MarioMarinara. Welcome to Eurobricks! Alex54--That looks awsome--thanks for posting! Those are great photos. That gets me thinking, I need to create that triangular plaza area in front of the church where Bob parks his stand. I've been wanting to do that for a while. Maybe after I finish the Scooby Doo mansion... For now, I made a few corrections to the building colors in my micro build. Here is an updated render:
Assembling Bricksburg
I saw o0ger's post for his Mini Modulars II that he has on LEGO Ideas and I thought a mini-Bricksburg would be a fun project to try. I have never done any micro scale builds before and I have to say, they can be quite a challenge. When working on a mini-fig scale modular building, it's comparitively simple to change a detail--just remove one brick and replace it with another. Since these buildings are mostly hollow on the inside (with the exception of floors and furniture, of course), nothing else needs to change. However, the micro scale buildings are almost solid bricks on the inside to support the large amount of SNOT techniques used to create the micro scale details. If a single brick is changed on the outside, the result can be an almost complete rebild of the inside structure to keep it all together. When creating several of the buildings in this MOC, I could go through multiple iterations of brick selection and therefore multiple interior rebuilds as a result. In the end, it was quite a challenging and fun build for me. Hope you like it!
Winter Village: Shop von Robotern
The curved outside wall has a great look to it, especially with all of the Christmas decorations. I'll take a Rosy cleaning bot and two astromechs!
Winter Villiage: Yeti House
What a great idea! Very well done. There's so much going on and yet I can't help but giggle at the yeti sitting quietly with the cup of coffee.
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