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Everything posted by Petr LUBAS

  1. Exactly, I don`t care about individual controller, but if BC2 can integrate also MouldKing BT battery (or another chinesse brand BT battery) it allows you to combine all of your "power sources" into one MOC. It will be great. My old 4 Buwizz costs me about 400,- EUR, One MouldKing BT 6 battery costs about 30,- EUR (already with physicall controller). Of course, stability of Buwizz is better than MouldKing but you can design functions based on this. Means steering and propulsion of MOC to be connected via Buwizz, 2 other ports of Buwizz can control important functions, Mouldking battery can control other functions where precise control is not required - outriggers, lifting of 3rd axle etc.
  2. MouldKing has two posibilities to play with your own MOC - with physical controller or MK has also their own software app. This app allows you to control up to three PoweredModule 6 in one MOC by the app. You should only i 1st step choose which system you wanna control. I want to combine MouldKing BT battery with my Buwizz battery or with Lego remote system. I have also CaDa battery, but it is not BT battery but radio controlled battery with specific controller.
  3. Istvan, do you plan to add support also for chinese Bluetooth batteries? I am using BC2 with my 4 units of Buwizz 2.0 and 2 TLG Powered-Up hub and it works perfectly, but I need to connect also my new chinese BT battery = Mould King 6.0 powered module (https://mouldking.store/shop/mould-king-m-0019-powered-module-6-channels/). It has 6 ports for PF motors and it will be usefull for me to be able to control 12 engines just with 2 BT batteries instead of 3 Buwizz.
  4. They are already available on AliExpress, i just bought 4 pieces of CaDa micromotors ... (and 3 pieces of new CaDa LED lighting cables) link to AzoomStore https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002790547198.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.7a794c4d6Ey06o So I am just waiting for delivery. I wanna use them in my WIP Wrecking truck for moving fake truck engine and wanna test them to power linear actuators of outriggers Prices are good - C61019 Mini motor € 7,53 (free shipping and VAT inclusive) + C61019 Light € 7,01 (free shipping and VAT inclusive)
  5. I want to present my last creation - actual progress of my BigTruck. I wanna build realy big truck - width 32 studs seems to be big enough... I was partly inspired by great Peterbilt created by Sheepo and also 42070 new Technic set. I want to build 4x6 truck only but finally I build 4x6 with switch to 6x6. Instead of PF was BuWizz used. Actual functions - drive powered by 4x XL motor and steering via Servo. Switch between 4x6 and 6x6 mode via small pneumatic cylinder. More photos on BrickLink I will be out of home for 3 weeks so I hope I wil be able to finish my truck in September
  6. I want to present my version - due lack of available parts I made it completely in yellow. As a small joke I replaced small Teddy Bear by Lotso which is much more bigger :-) photos in higher resolution
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