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  1. In parallel, i'm thinking about doing a model in lego technics as well. I like the studless style. No mechanisms for now. But i'm facing an issue : Making a circle for the fuselage frames , i tried many ways but i doesnt fit well. The last one with 5x beams looked nice but the diameter is not a stud multiple.... the white is way too big and not circular , i would like to do a diameter betwenn 22 and 25 studs, with horizontal and vertical beams at top/bottom/left/right. Any ideas ? Thanks
  2. Hello Guys, I have been working a bit on my MOC, and guess what ,? You were right ! i found the my scale limiting element : The doors. I cannot find anything that fit for lavatory doors... i'm a bit stuck do you have any tip that could help ? A 4*6 is too small and a 5*9 is ugly !
  3. still working on it but i did that cause i hade only few minutes free and found greate groups on flickr https://www.flickr.com/groups/scale_lego_airplanes_by_boeing_787_guy/ and https://www.flickr.com/groups/759792@N25/
  4. Today's progress... Scale test , between fuselage , interrior, wing location
  5. Thanks guys, As it is my first MOC , i must admit i didn't thought about all that stuff. I Made a market study , and definitely minifig scale is not possible. So i found a seat, who looks goods and started from that. We will see it i can create eveything the way i plan to .... For the style , i first start with a brick style, but technic panels looks really nice ( trucks etc ) . Maybe i will start with a static model first, and then will work on something with functionalities . Airplanes are beatiful machines and mechanically complex, i'm surprised there is not that much MOC dhc6twinotter Yes i saw your one , really nice , i saw also saw this guy : who made some great stuff as well . below is the cabin as it was yesterday. It looks better now but i don't have the file here. will post more tonight. Question : How do you organise your LDD construction ? modular aprroach ? a file for each element ? I start doing the folding door.. i will not be easy !
  6. Hello , Thanks , I saw his nice job . Should i start first at a minifig scale ? and then try a bigger one where i can make more details ?
  7. JossDoIt started following [HELP] Private Jet
  8. Hello everyone , I'm Joss , french guy living in the US , 30. Engineer for a private jet manufacturer. First post here. I always as been interested in Lego, and now i would like to realize a project linked to my job. My goal is to create a lego model of a Dassault falcon (ex : Falcon 5X ). I was thinking about few different steps/projects : - A model of the fuselage interior only . Half cut, realistic style . - A model of the complete airplane, realistic style , around 1.5 meter ? - Maybe adding some functions to it , gears etc ... I looked on the internet and do not find those kind of creation . i started some ideas on LDD as attached . I saw all your creations and i must admit they are impressive. So my question is how should i proceed , who should i contact to help me , what do you think about this project ? Thanks for any support you could provide , Regards,
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