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Lego Fett

Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by Lego Fett

  1. Very unlikely. I think next time we will see him is in a SD.
  2. That looks awesome!
  3. Tha looks great! Ashame you couldn't make it in time
  4. You can make freebuilds anytime, but up to 4 between episodes.
  5. That looks great! Can you give us arough description of how you did it?
  6. That looks excellent! The little action shots look spectacular!
  7. 15000 pieces is off the top. Way too much. Impossible. No way. Joke. Only 4 people will buy it.
  8. I know that they are not vents, but thats what everyone calls them. I know, in the OT they had like 3 different types of stormtrooper helmets. Looked really strange in the opening scene.
  9. A way you can see a difference is by the vents. Rebel ones have azure vents.
  10. That looks very good! Snoted to perfection!
  11. Why you! You stole my idea!
  12. I guess the UCS Hoth rumour is dissipating.
  13. So, the chamber is basically an elevated half-octagon which each side contains a place to put a minifig, a staircase and a chamber in the center, right?
  14. I have percieved this happening....
  15. Maybe i will get a battlepack. I seriously doubt boba will be Slave I Boba..
  16. That looks amazing! This is very good! That pervy hutt though!
  17. Reallyly like it. As i like grey boxes with greebling.
  18. 36? Well, wait, doesn't the contes end when the sun sets in Alaska?
  19. Well, isn't SONE ending september 19th?
  20. So? Are there any plans for another contes after Sone ends?
  21. In my opinion, most people who say "Darth Vader's new helmet is bad" or "Tye new millenium falcon is bad" are just very nostalgie biased. That is not necessarily a good thing, because hating on new sets because they are improved from the last ones is not right.
  22. Only 5 entries? Isn't that a bit low?
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