My attempt at a 10179 UCS Millennium Falcon!
It's done! 7 months later! Taken lots of pics of the build process which I'll sort through later. Was going to get the correct dish but prices are just crazy. Ordered the 10x10 droid dish.
My attempt at a 10179 UCS Millennium Falcon!
It's all here Anyone got any tips on how to sort all the parts out the make the build process easier? Chucking it all into a plastic box and rummaging through for each piece might not be the best idea.
My attempt at a 10179 UCS Millennium Falcon!
Hi everybody I've placed the last order for my 10179 build. Ended up flying way past my aim of 10p a piece and it's looking more like 15p. Still looking forward to getting it all ready to build.
My attempt at a 10179 UCS Millennium Falcon!
That is stunning work! Well, heard back from the store with the missing order. Ordered on 27th and they haven't even sent it! Told it's shipping this Saturday. I've opened a disupte and have until 12th July to escalate so have given them this date as a deadline. No point going off the handle with them as would rather the parts. I'm fairly sure that paypal will just refund me when escalated - unless anyone has previous experience of Paypal not refunding in this circumstance?
My attempt at a 10179 UCS Millennium Falcon!
Well I've got a horrible feeling the order I've been waiting on isn't going to arrive. The sellers feedback in the last month has complaints of orders not being received. Ho hum. Will take some time out this week to sort out another order - avoiding those parts from the troublesome order. Quick questions:- What is the best way to keep on top of my inventory and what I still need to purchase? My bricklink wanted list still seems to show the total parts list. Should I check off the stock thats arrived with my excel spreadsheet and then delete that item from by bricklink wanted list? Is there an easier/quicker way?
My attempt at a 10179 UCS Millennium Falcon!
Unfortunately the build has stalled a bit as I decided to wait for each order to come in, update the stock outstanding before making another order. An order from the states on 28th May hasn't materialised yet. Will wait till the end of the week before I chase it up. When ordering RC parts they usually arrive within a week or so.
My attempt at a 10179 UCS Millennium Falcon!
The first haul of parts arrives. Obtained within the EU (ish) so fortunately no issues with customs etc. Mild concern for the 2nd batch on it's way from the US. When buying RC car stuff from the US, it always gets hammered for customs and Parcel Force charge something crazy like £13 just for the act of sending you the customs notice. In other lego related news, I've finished 42009 Crane and it is awesome :) and I'll be starting on 76023 The Tumbler hopefully this weekend.
My attempt at a 10179 UCS Millennium Falcon!
Thank you all for the encouraging words. So first off, a spreadsheet of the parts. Item Number, Quantity, Description, cost, Visible, Alternative parts etc etc I know some folk who great skills have these posh databases etc but this is the best my lowly GCSEs can manage :) I've given Brickficiency. a quick blast and I think it should prove useful. From the experience of others I'm going to put in a fair bit of planning before I actually start to purchase parts. Someone very kindly posted a list of the parts which are not visible which might help reduce the costs. I'll update the spreadsheet to show the non-visible parts and where cost is saved update the alternative parts used list. I'm unlikely to go for big mods in the form of interiors although they look fantastic. However, the one mod I really like is the engines like this - hope the creator is ok for me to share. What I might do is create a seperate page on the spreadsheet to provide parts lists for any mods carried out along the way. Once the above is lit it looks superb IMHO. The plan here would be to substitute the OE parts for the parts required for the mod at the purchase phase to save buying parts that will ultimately be unused. However, one thing that I'm not sure about is how is the curve achieved? I don't quite get how the parts stay together without creating a ridged line. Once I've tweaked the parts list my only real question is where to start. I'm thinking to set myself a budget for the first round of purchases, say £100, and buy in order on the spreadsheet and keep to as few shops as possible to keep postage costs to a minimum. I'm also thinking should I go for the buy a brick option via Lego direct or stick with BL. Try both and see which provides the most bits for the least cost is the obvious answer. I'll update once I've got the sheet near to what parts I'm actually going to get and details of the first order. Thanks for reading :)
My attempt at a 10179 UCS Millennium Falcon!
This is only my 2nd post on here and with a fist full of good intentions and lots of ambition I've decided to jump in with both feet and attempt to build a 10179 Falcon. I know it's not very original and there are quite a few examples however, I'd like to think mine will have that extra factor of being built by someone who isn't quite sure what he's doing. There are some lovingly crafted build logs on here for me to gather inspiration and building tips. Not entirely sure this build log will be to a similar standard but at least it has the potential of creating a little amusement as I blindly stumble along towards my goal. I only have 2 Lego sets at the moment. Technic 42009 Crane which has been very enjoyable but still not quite finished. And Benny's Spaceship which is on display on a shelf inbetween my RC cars. My main hobby is RC cars, racing and restoring so I'm fairly used to hunting for rare parts in order to complete the restorations. I've come close to running out of cars that I wanted to restore and add to my collection which is why I've decided to have a crack at something different. I'm unlikely to add anything new to the build process although as the project matures I might add mods along the way. So, with a fairly basic grasp of bricklink and a print off of my parts wanted for the Falcon, my first task is to create an excel sheet with the parts, the prices, and any notes regarding replacement of OE parts with cheaper items to save costs. I'll update the thread as and when parts arrive and of course the eventual build process. Thanks for reading :)
Hello from West Wales
Just posting to say hello. I recently rekindle my love of Lego by discovering I had over £40 in Tesco vouchers and could think of nothing better to spend it on than the Technic Crane 42009. This is nearly finished and as my other big passion is RC cars, my crane will eventually get the ultimate treatment and be fully RC. I like to take on projects which usually consists of restoring on RC cars however I've got some space on the table and what better way to fill it than jumping in with both feet and building a Millennium Falcon (I know, hardly original but it looks a challenge) involving a crash course in how to use bricklink and other sources to obtain the required bits to start the build.
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