[MOC] Z-95 Headhunter
The Z-95 Headhunter as used during the Clone Wars.
Un-Clonified Clones 2
I quiet much like Ox, but Scythe's tattoo seems a bit asymmetrical. Actually the concept of the tattoo is in the episode guide of "Brain Invaders". As prateek said, it would be great to see the decals on real figures.
Wich part is this?
Merry Christmas Eurobricks! Today on Christmas I have a little question about a picture posted in the Photostream of Brick-Forge on flickr. So there is my question: What is the piece the skirt is made from? Is it from TLG or a piece from Brick-Forge?
Product Review: Arealight Mando Helmet and Jet Pack Set
Thank's for the review Cygnet. I didn't thought, that the Mandalorian helmet is that accurate. As KielDaMan already said, a pic of the TLG Boba Fett would be really great. A pic of the hole the rocket fits in also would be also great.
OT sets still left to make
This list is actually almost complete. The final duel was actually done with the Death Star. One thing to add would probably be the Millennium Falcon, not in UCS, but in minifig-scale.
Wanting some customs
Sadly no one is replying, so I will be the first. When you have a request for decals you should use the Decal Wish List. Remember to describe your ideas precisely,a reference pic would be very fine. You also can send me a PM, if you want me to do the designs.
Product Review - Arealight Clone Trooper Helmets
Thank you for this review Cygnet. It's great to see a 360° of the new helmets. Like KielDaMan already said you should replace the reference pic of the ARF-Trooper.
Lego custom star wars clone 2nd Airborne Company 212th
This looks really great. Also great to see Arealights new helmet in use. The nose is painted, isn't it?
[Review] Clone Army Customs ARC Troopers
This is really great work. Especially the markings on the kama and the decals. But there is one thing I really miss. They are all lacking their rangefinders.
Clone-Trooper Improvement
Yes it is supposed to go all the way around the helmet. As this is a test, I used a normal head without any markings No this is not for any particular clone company. It is just an improve of the normal white standard Clone-Trooper. Thank you for all the replies.
Clone-Trooper Improvement
Sorry for the large pictures. I fixed it. Won't happen again.
Clone-Trooper Improvement
While I recently had some trouble with my Kodak printer and my Linux OS, I thought of some new ways how to improve Clone-Troopers. I removed the cheek markings on the helmet with some Brasso equivalent and repainted the cheeks, the back and the sides. I also painted the neck black. Look:
Decal Wish List
Thank you this is fine.
Decal Wish List
Could please someone do me a Captain Rex face Decal. I know I asked for that few days ago but obviously it got forgotten in the discussion about Captain Keeli.
Lego Custom Camouflage V3
My favorite is the clone with full camo. The decals would be even better if they were a little bit smaller
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