Everything posted by YellowCorvette
Is the AFOL community became harder to please?
That's exactly what I always thing of what Lego really is. As big of a community the AFOL community is, Lego is still a kids toy company in the first place more than something like Hot Toys.
- LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
Is the AFOL community became harder to please?
I know it's being a long time since the last time I'm being in this forum, but there's a reason for it. For some reason, I find that the AFOL community starts to become harder to pleased with new sets release, like every new sets needs to be like a UCS, "High-End collector item", and "Well-built with complex build" or whatever. I know that these fans didn't represent the majority of the AFOL community, but is it really that the AFOL community has become harder and harder to pleases?
- LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
I know that I'm a little bit late, but these summer sets looks really good. I may personally didn't like them all, but the sets aren't as bad as most people say. I like the majority of them, except for the Advent Calendar and the Rathrar set. Something about both of these sets just seems "off" to me. What's up with all the "Fake leak" drama that goes on a few previous pages? It's pretty confusing.
Rogue One movie discussion thread
Just saw the movie for the second time. It's still as good as my first viewing but unlike the others here, something else about the movie just doesn't click with me. After the 2nd viewing, I finally realize what's my biggest problem with the movie. The movie just feel like a 2 hours long deleted scenes cramped to become a movie (Just my thought) Some of the scenes are unnecessary and Vader didn't feel like...... Vader. Not a bad movie, but still could have been better.
LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
The new Phantom looks very good (Only if the price isn't that ridiculous ), but why the engine exhaust is only represented by two tan bricks !? Even just a couple of translucent bricks or stickers would make it looks much better than just...... that. Still a good set to get, but only with discount.
- LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
Well, good to hear. Just hope that it won't suck as much as RoTF. I only like AoE slight more than RoTF (Still dislikes it) because Mark Wahlberg is more tolerable than Sam Wit-whatever it is.
The things I really hate the most about these "transformers" movies is the transformers itself is barely in the movies while they're the main selling point. I go to see a Transformers movie for awesome transforming robots fighting for 2 hours, not to see Shia Labeouf's college life or interview montage "thing" that takes up almost half of the entire running time of the movie. I agree that TFA isn't something like the best movie ever, but they're still some original things that I like. I like the idea of a troubled Dark Side user and Stormtrooper turn against First Order. The CGI and effects is also very stunning.
The trailer did indeed looks very good, but the same thing also happens in the case of RoTF, DoTM, and AOE. All of them has cool trailers, and look how the movies turn out. Plus, I never trusted Michael Bay as a director. The first Transformers movie are ok, but the sequels are progressively got worse.
- LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
2017 City Sets - Rumours and Discussion
I won't say the Pizza van is something like "The best", but it's indeed a very good and innovative set.
- LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
2017 City Sets - Rumours and Discussion
All of the these City sets looks very good for me. I really like the Buggy, 4x4 with Catamaran, Pizza Van and the Stunt Truck set. The others are also very good sets to have.
2017 City Sets - Rumours and Discussion
The bank set may be the best among the bunch. I like the bank building, bulldozer and the police truck in the bank set. The others is just ok for me. I feel like the designers trying to replicate some designs on the police car from 60128 into the new police cars, but the execution leaves something to be desired.
Which set should I buy?
Well, it's quit a long time for since I participate in the discussion. Anyway, I find myself very interested with a couple of sets from themes I barely interested in. 70327 The King's Mech 70592 Salvage M.E.C 31050 Corner Deli All of these sets looks very good, but I can't really decide which is the best among the bunch for my holiday gift. Which set is the best among the bunch?
DC Superheroes 2017 - Set Discussion
Just saw the DC Super Hero Girls sets lineup on Brickset. I don't care about about the minidolls, but the vehicles looks very good and have a unique charm to them. With some brick swap, I can imagine Batgirl's Batjet been used for the regular Batman minifigure as some sort of submarine.
2017 City Sets - Rumours and Discussion
Well, the leak pictures are just preliminary pictures and sometimes the final products looks very different from the preliminary pictures, so I can expect the final sets to be different.
- LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
- Marvel Superheroes 2017 - Set Discussion
- LEGO Nexo Knights 2017 Discussion
- LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
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