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Everything posted by neithan

  1. But "Collectors" who buy them all away in an instant are one main reason why the scalpers can sell those Minifigs at a high price. Not everyone uses an app. And while they maybe dont want exactly that paladin, when there are only 11 different minifigs in a box left you have a higher chance to get a minifig you already have. I may sound harsh and dont want anyone to take it personally, we already had those discussion more than once: while TLG produces those CMF, there will be more and less desirable Figs to collect. And that bugs me...
  2. Nice, so no Kids can have luck to get one! Still dont get it why people cant be satisfied with, lets say, 3 or 4 Paladins or other Minifigs. Cant wait to not get the wolfspack in the next round of CMF!
  3. I like the new minifigs but (and i know, yeah, i repeat myself): why the plain legs? Always those plain and dull legs. As if it is a necessity for Marvel Minifigs to dont have good-looking legs (except Iron Man)... But hopefully there will be more Spiderverse Sets to come!
  4. 100%!! I really like those little mechs, always had a soft spot for mechs in general (really loved the Nexo Knight Mechs!), but it would be way cooler, at least in the MCU theme, when mostly the baddies had them. Venom now has one, but Ultron would have been so sick!
  5. Man, those minifigs are really of poor quality. So there goes the X Mansion for me as a whole set. I'm sorry for those X-Men Fans who waited all this long for a big set. Bright colours on darker body just isn`t the strength of TLG...
  6. Mansion looks good on the outside, the rooms itself are sadly way to small to do anything with them. Then again, most of the time I see all my lego buildings from the outside. The Minifigs look good. Many could have been better, but TLG doesn`t care and the fans don`t care, too, so why invest in more quality? When it`s out with a nice discount, I may buy it.
  7. I was thinking about Payakan the Tulkin (from the Avatar Way of Water Sets); this would be an "ok" size, at least in comparison to the other Lego dinosaurs. And it wouldn`t need that much specialized parts.
  8. More screentime for kids, yeah! I really don`t like that idea, not in the slightest. Have used digital instructions only two times and only because the two sets from bluebrixx (Mould king) had no physical instructions. When I´m building with bricks, I don`t want to look at a screen.
  9. With prices just below 300€ in germany, I`m seriously thinking about getting a second copy and trying to build a more substantial ruin/castle. Not at that price, but maybe there is a short time period where I could grab the set for around 250€...
  10. Was at my local Smyth`s yesterday and looked up the 20 boxes they had - 5 Dwarfs und Halflings, only one Mindflayer (which I took) and no Dragonborn. Some Strahds, Szass Tams etc., but I don`t need multiples of those specific NPCs. Then again, mayber for parts... But not now, maybe on clearance I`ll try again. :-)
  11. Naah, only the lower part needs some more parts and as we know TLG, Spiders only have four to six legs, so there are plenty of options. ;-)
  12. But if the feel beast was in the set, the set itself would have rised in popularity, so maybe people like me would consider to buy it, even at a later point.
  13. So? Everyone who bought the Deku Tree for 300€ (!!!) must have a very high pain threshold, so spitting in their face again (first time was made bei TLG with this outragous price) can`t be that big of a problem... (Don`t get me wrong: I want the Deku Tree sooo badly!) Still on the fence whether I buy the Lego Avengers Tower; most of the minifigs aren`t that appealing and 450€ (at smyths) isn`t that good of an offer...
  14. If yu dont build it in the next few months, why didnt you wait for a discount? It`s horrendously overpriced so that I see no chance of getting this, despite the fact that I wait for more than 20 years for a Lego/LoZ Set. I want this, but even for 200€, this feels bad.
  15. Already have ordered some of their custom minifigs in the past - you can`t tell any difference. ;-)
  16. jb-spielwaren has some nice custom Figs and Dungeon Parts, if you`re interested (shipping costs in the EU: 7,99€): https://www.jb-spielwaren.de/dungeons-dragons-minifigur-serie-1-ganze-box-mit-special/a-648663162/ https://www.jb-spielwaren.de/modularer-dungeon-erweiterung/a-648663163/ https://www.jb-spielwaren.de/battle-axe-dwarf-custom-minifigur/a-648663160/ https://www.jb-spielwaren.de/dark-elf-with-his-animal-companion-custom-minifigur/a-648663161/ The Batlle Axe Dwarf isn`t that exciting imo, but I really like the Dark Elf and Jergal Minifigs!
  17. Just finished the Allosaurus set - I really love the dino, except the look it gives with his mouth closed. Looks too much like the famous meme: Besides that: neat set, as always only with a nice discount (bought it for 59,99€).
  18. Man those prices! Maybe I'll buy the two smallest sets, but only with a good discount (22€ for four minifigs!!!) I like the AoU Diorama and would buy it for around 50€. The Milano looks great! When it drops to 120€, I could see myself buying it...^^
  19. Heyho, I was a Beginner myself only a year ago and had much fun with the starter boxes you cand find like this one: https://www.amazon.de/Dungeons-Dragons-Starterset-Sturmwrack-Insel-Deutsche/dp/B09V84WNPK/ref=sr_1_4?crid=31SW51FVWFRA4&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.SjOpVJGeMDAA59w4_4OQNGbnIFbb3uHy9G27K1OJcCWbXW3BrkSdSY9F6O461_j-OQquHaP0knZ-0PiQyUligrC_vrigBZVlxDXKUm56E5GH_lbyud942X7-sqCb4Bm3WHV1yebinEn2-0DeHjvtAMTA_Yg5iOPetoYjVMxjLL3rm2GSPNcIHrR9PH4k0uKTjQLOVuybuD9kGQuhR3kHCdIUeZxYCLjgn06RMgBOy0LJhx1w27uS6rWtbiToqaeuNWiRLohfUyHaS_qmznValgeSbbvs2UUkkhxR9cylozU.2521fQT5Cb9w7ilSyPZkZrjM-_RuZ4HAXmojo3ocQsI&dib_tag=se&keywords=dnd%2Babenteuer&qid=1712913231&sprefix=dnd%2Caps%2C153&sr=8-4&th=1 or this one: https://www.amazon.de/Dungeons-Dragons-Essentials-Kit-Boxed/dp/0786966831/ref=pd_bxgy_d_sccl_1/261-3497958-3141743?pd_rd_w=Fhd0n&content-id=amzn1.sym.d6531279-1f86-4ae1-b1f7-8ab9db04b1a0&pf_rd_p=d6531279-1f86-4ae1-b1f7-8ab9db04b1a0&pf_rd_r=2XAPFSJ0WQE40B8KCP5B&pd_rd_wg=ebSnb&pd_rd_r=9b327962-df60-41ad-9f65-40415e69782a&pd_rd_i=0786966831&psc=1
  20. After buying Rivendell for 400 instead of 500€ because I've waited long enough, you can bet I'll do the same for Barad Dur. Maybe if there would be a great GWP (no brickheadz) AND double Insider points, I'd consider buying it day one. But who thinks this will happen?^^
  21. neithan replied to Klaus-Dieter's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Soooo.... is this still the Thread for the 2024 Space Sets or the second Thread for the Topic of printed Parts? Besides the big Ground Station I already bought all of the other City Space Sets. And now I'm thinking if I should buy the Friends Space Station too. And the Technic Sets...
  22. neithan replied to Geofftswin's post in a topic in General LEGO Discussion
    https://openbricksource.com/collections/baseplates When the Youtube Reviews are correct, these stackable baseplates have good quality and might be a good investion for some MOCers.
  23. https://brickset.com/article/105055/42-projects-qualify-for-3rd-2023-ideas-review What are your favourites for the thired review of 2023?
  24. The Eye is just a sticker, no need for a detailed build. (jk, I´m very excited to look at the first pictures)
  25. I was in Raesfeld in 2021 and visited the castle, which is beautiful irl (the images you chose for the post show this very good). And oh howdy, this Castle you created ist stunning, unbelievable! Great work!
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