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- [MOC] Naboo N-1 Starfighter + Breakdown
[MOC] Naboo N-1 Starfighter + Breakdown
This is one of my favorite star wars builds i've ever seen. I built it in LDD following your construction images, but man, that was a pain. I had to gut a lot of the interior and make some minor changes just so it would work within the program. turned out pretty cool though. There's a render and the LDD file in the link below if you or anyone is curious.
[software] SunFlow for BR - bublible's builds + TIPS & TRICKS
so i haven't changed the .sc file. it's just the one that came with the mod, but i don't see anything about a ground plane, which is part of why i asked. literally the only thing that i changed were those numbers for the background color like in the tutorial. the only part i see that mentions a plane is this at the end. object { shader plocha type plane p 0 %LOWESTPOINT% 0 n 0 1 0 } hope that helps?
- [software] SunFlow for BR - bublible's builds + TIPS & TRICKS
- [software] SunFlow for BR - bublible's builds + TIPS & TRICKS
Hey Everyone! Thommy Here!
So, I'm new and basically have no idea what i'm doing. So first things first, I'm asking for help. I guess my questions include, where do i go and upload files, i see that i can do that when i start a topic, or something to that effect, i guess i am wondering how everyone else does things, for example not just images but lxf files. I have several things i'd like to share but i'm not entirely sure how. any and all info is welcome.
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