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Eurobricks Knights
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About BrickArtist

  • Birthday April 16

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    star wars

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  1. Sure thing! Thanks everybody for the consideration and recommendations.
  2. Selling this lot soon most likely on Ebay, any guesses as to how much it will go for, and where I should start the bidding? http://i.imgur.com/hyCCp7r.jpg
  3. Yeah I agree completely about the older non-shine plastic clips, the unfortunate consequence is they break easier just rumbling in bins with that softer plastic.
  4. There's always room for improvement. Arm printing, side legs, and more.
  5. Meh, like to a vig more than a set with minifigs.
  6. Half of those don't really belong in this forum, can't say I'm a fan of "recaps." Before you know it everybody who can clip a brick together will be annually spamming their work . Nice MOCs, though.
  7. 1 more angel I didn't include before.
  8. I think the assumption of EpII sets is a little far fetched, the emphasis of TCW sets is massive, I'd assume anything that could be TCW, will be TCW.
  9. Thank you.
  10. I'm in trouble, I'm an addict. Haven't been on here but....Here's the latest BARC MOC version. Enjoy! C and C welcome!
  11. Ok I see, with all due respect, I believe it when I see it. I try not to converse or believe to much of loose preliminary sources.
  12. Looks good doc! What's that pattern on the side, SNOT, or Tiles? Any plans of building it out of real bricks?
  13. Hey everybody! I'm back, and I think I'm gonna do another revamp on the BARC speeder, I'm looking for some consultation on what pieces I should use for the front prongs. This is sorta a wip thread already so I figured I'd recycle it.
  14. Absolutely stellar Makes me want to start MOCing again. Maybe i'll attempt the ARC-170 next, although yours will be tough to beat.
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