It's obvious you've spend a tremendous amount of time and effort building and shaping this. You put in so much detail, mind blowing. Love the stickers, such a cool and detailed's all there!
About the front, you wrote that you would like to make it more realistic. You know it's hard to tell someone else what or how to do things. As we all know building is a process, the model evolves. Two things I notice and maybe you can use that as a guidance to work on it a little more:
A) It really misses that curved line between the two tones. I'm not sure I would use the rigid hose to solve that. Parts with different angles would help a lot I think.
B) For the White area I simple could say: there's to much going on. All kind of curved slopes which tells us you really have tried hard, but somehow it became messy so to speak. Do you see what I mean?
BTW I would never have suggested any changes because I can tell this is your baby! :-) But since you ask here's my point of view for what it's worth...
Love this as I already told you. Cool to see that I've inspired you, can tell without any doubt :-) but the same time you really went wild on it. You stepped out of the box and build your own interpretation and takes courage...and well done!!!
This is such a cool scale model of both truck and trailer. You did a tremendous job buddy...this really is so cool! Looking forward to see it in real life soon!
Can not really answer your question from my own experience but I would say take 1:20 if you're in a hurry. Probably even in this scale you can capture much detail. Many super car builders have done so, not necessarily in that scale but at least in a rather small scale. On the other hand I would like to see in it scale 1:10 to be honest... :-)
Nice project, if some one could do it it's you my friend! I'm curious to see what you'll come up with...
Already loved the "less quality" images and I was astonished... And then you came with the pro!!! It is an excellent build and I love it very much!