Bionicle 2016 Sets Discussion
The second issue of the magazine is out in Germany now. As expected, it contains the rest of the first GN. Since this part of the comic is way longer than the previous part (28 pages versus 20), there's no presentation of the characters, puzzles or posters - the magazine is mostly just the comic. Agil is indeed supposed to be placed on Ekimu's left arm, so you have to remove the shield from his arm. (I think there was some uncertainty about this.) The set comes with an additional part that allows you to attach the shield to Ekimu's leg while Agil is sitting on his arm. It shouldn't be surprising, but there's no preview in this magazine, so probably there won't be a third issue in Germany either. For those interested, I've written a short (German) article about the new issue, which also contains a few images: (The photos are a bit crappy though, since I had no camera other than my old cheap cell phone available.)
- Bionicle 2016 Sets Discussion
Bionicle 2016 Story Discussion & Rumors
"Hawk" actually might be the wrong word - the correct translation seems to be "falcon". The German word is "Falke", so I have no idea why "hawk" was the first thing that came to my mind. :D Yes, there's a picture: The text below the set says: "Exclusive set: Ekimu's falcon! Can sit on the Mask Maker's arm!"
Bionicle 2016 Story Discussion & Rumors
For those of you who are interested in the BIONICLE magazine that was released in Germany today: - The comic is a translation of the first 20 pages of the first graphic novel. - The German translation is (for the most part) excellent. - The Toa are called "uniters" even in their 2015 form. (Probably for marketing reasons.) - The next issue will be released on August 11th; it will contain another small BIONICLE-inspired set ("Ekimu's hawk"), and, apparently, the rest of the first graphic novel (30 pages). I think that covers the most important stuff. For those of you who speak German, I've written an article that is a bit more in-depth. For those of you who don't, you can try automatic translation, but I wouldn't recommend it. It messes up a lot. :)
Bionicle 2016 Story Discussion & Rumors
Uh... Apparently, this never made it to the English-speaking part of the fan community, but ... there is strong evidence that GN3 has been cancelled. The first and most blatant evidence appeared back in December (only a month after we first heard of GN3!), when the online book catalog Edelweiss changed the status of the GN to "CANCELLED". http://edelweiss.abo...?sku=0316266264 The same month, the release date of GN2 was moved to only a month before the supposed GN3 release date (while the GN3 release date remained unchanged on Amazon etc), suggesting that the GN2 was delayed to compensate for GN3's cancellation. In March, Ryder Windham stated in the TTV interview that he hasn't heard of a third GN. And, as you said, the supposed release date is in less than three weeks, and there hasn't been any news about the book's title or cover.
Bionicle 2016 Story Discussion & Rumors
You're right, we have known that release date ever since the GN was first discovered on Amazon. (I looked up an old blog post about that discovery that I wrote back in June, and it does mention that release date.)
Bionicle 2015 Discussion
I'm also very surprised how anybody could think that this would be the final episode... Why would they end the episodes in the middle of a fight? I've edited your transcript, based on what I'm hearing and on the actual quotes from the book: I should emphasize that there is no reason to believe that this is Makuta talking (instead of Skull Grinder himself), and there's nothing like that hinted in the book either. Also, Ekimu doesn't call him "Makuta" either, he actually says simply "Not good" – because Kulta just put on the Mask of Creation, which is obviously ... not good. :P Both episodes are the same length. Episode 16 is from 11:45 to 13:31, and episode 17 is from 13:31 to 15:17, so they are both 106 seconds. However, while I was trying (and failed) to edit the audio and make the English voice more audible, I noticed that the whole video is actually slowed down for some reason. You need to speed the video up by 16.7% in order to return everything to normal speed. Therefore, both episodes are actually the usual 90 seconds.
Bionicle 2015 Discussion
Something seems to be wrong with those numbers, though... They also say that they have made 11 character spots... But 6 Toa + 5 skull creatures + Ekimu already makes 12 character spots that have been released so far. As for the episodes, since The Legend is essentially episode "0", I could easily imagine how someone might accidently miss this episode by just looking at the number of the final episode and claim that this is the total number of episodes.
Bionicle 2015 Discussion
The episodes on the official websites are a mess. I started to download and archive the episodes in every language available a while ago (because, why not), and it turned out that almost every language had one or more of the episodes missing on the official website at that time. When I checked again weeks later, most of them were fixed, but not all of them. And in their place, some other episodes had stopped working. So, yeah, this is nothing unusual.
- Bionicle 2015 Discussion
Bionicle 2015 Discussion
Maybe it's just my imagination (because otherwise, I'd be surprised why no one brought this up yet), but I thought that the official release date is when the sets will be available outside of the official LEGO shops. The official LEGO shops (both online and actual stores) already have them one month earlier than that, though. That was the case for the winter sets, which were to be released in February, but the official shops already had them in January; and I vaguely remember that I also noticed this a few times during Generation 1. So I had expected that the summer sets would also be available (in LEGO stores!) in July all along.
- Bionicle 2015 Discussion
Bionicle 2015 Discussion
If it's not too much to ask for, could someone who has the summer sets see if there's a list of the international set names somewhere on the "Mask Maker vs Skull Grinder" box and post a photo? I'm curious about the German name of the set. The other four sets have their list on the back of the package, so those can already be seen in Fatoran's gallery, but the Mask Maker one doesn't. It's probably on the sides or the top/bottom of the box.
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