Marvel Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussion
Really disappointing approach to moderating posting in this and the 2016 thread. Not what I expected when I joined this forum. I understand the reason but not the condescension. All of the 2015 sets are more or less done so there isn't a lot to talk about other than SDCC, which is also, well, more or less done. SDCC is the hot topic right now but we already have official images of most of the stuff. Easy to see how train of though can go from discussing SDCC exclusives to potential SDCC exclusives (Spider-Gwen, Daredevil) to the viability of an idea (Daredevil and the risk of promotion violence). I would say that falls under "Marvel Superheroes 2015 Discussion". I do not understand what is bad about this but will be more careful in the future, I guess, because I like discussing children's toys with other adults. That being said, to discuss Marvel Superheroes 2015, does anyone know exactly why the US is getting the Spider-Man stuff late? I've seen it in Europe already but no availability here. We had the Ant-Man set too, at least in LEGO stores, but I understand they modified the set and it's MIA in a lot of retail.
Marvel Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussion
Red suit =/= red suit from the Daredevil Netflix series? Come on now, the discussion chain is whether or not the MCU (easiest to refer to him as thus) Daredevil would be in a set and I was arguing against that. Alternate costumes was referring to anything alternate than what he had in the Netflix series. His classic red suit would be perfect for a minfig but the more gritty reboot won't make the cut because even if they could fit it onto a fig it would promote a violent TV series and LEGO isn't about that. Honestly this whole discussion is off the rails. The entire point is it is very unlikely that LEGO would print an MCU-based minifig of Daredevil because it would promote awareness of the TV show.
Marvel Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussion
I said a Daredevil set was essentially unlikely in response to someone who said it would be the "perfect time" to unveil either a DD or Agents of Shield set, obviously referring to the timing and popularity of the TV shows. Not unlikely that they would print one for the Spiderman line but it would have to be an alt costume, or something from Ultimate Spiderman, a catroon, etc
Marvel Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussion
I think they might run a risk though, given that Daredevil is a pretty mature and graphic show and LEGO's target audience is younger kids. I realize there is some violence in the MCU and DC... CU(?) but nothing like impaling heads on spikes or brutally breaking bones, or torture. That being said, a DD fig would rock.
Lucky LEGO finds
There's a local seller on craiglist selling the AT-AT Walker and the Imperial Transport for $50 each, which is half of their retail. I think if I had more money I would jump on those.
- Marvel Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussion
- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
- Marvel Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussion
Lucky LEGO finds
I've had the LEGO Cloud City set sitting on a table in my room for twelve years complete with all minifigs and never knew what it was worth. So that's a pretty great find I'd say, haha.
[MOC] Hall of Armor display / vignette
I think I'll more than likely build it as-is or with a few little extras, and if I like it enough I can always add on it make it a scene. There are several incredible Iron Man MOCs already on EB that really inspire me to roll up my sleeves and see what I can do to turn the display into a proper scene.
Marvel Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussion
To dispel some confusion: I was asking for a highly detailed Nova minifig. The current one is pretty sparse (but still nice!). And the only reason I picked Richard was that he seems the better choice out of the two Novas as a candidate for a movie, and MCU minifigs have the nicest attention to detail (for better or for worse). Granted, we are getting some nice detail on the sets coming out later this year from the Spider-Man line that aren't MCU (I love both Miles and Carnage and plan to pick that set up as soon as it shows up in the US), so maybe there's hope for a promotional, accurate Sam Alexander fig, perhaps in a polybag in 2017 or beyond. No SDCC prices, please. Being an AFOL is suffering. Hahaha. Also, for anyone who is confused, here's the Ultimate Spider-Man version of Sam Alexander as Nova, and his minifig (why they chose red for his 'energy' on his hand's I'll never know): Very strange, indeed. Again, maybe we can just chalk it down to "bright, good-guy colors for the kids" as their choice for gold and navy.
Marvel Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussion
I'm not a huge comic fan (although I'd like to be, and it feels like a sin to really enjoy comic characters such as Iron Man and Nova and not be into comics), so I had to re-look up the backstory of Nova and Star-Lord. Apparently I was duped (like many of the characters in that particular comic) into thinking they both died during the same event. Personally I like Sam's design better. But again, I'm a no-comics infidel. I just know the inclusion of Rhomann Dey and the Nova Corps into GotG made me a bit suspicious.
Marvel Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussion
I assumed it was Richard because of the gold. I had to Google it. Apparently Sam in the cartoon just has a giant gold-and-red helmet for some reason. Maybe for brighter colors for the kids? In any case I'm just going to pretend the minifig is Richard when I put it on display. It's one of the reasons I was a MCU version of Nova, because that's probably the only way we're going to get another Nova minifig. The Nova Corps figs have some very nice detail, so I have high hopes if they ever make an MCU Nova. Which might not ever happen.
- Marvel Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussion
Marvel Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussion
Can they just give us a surprise 10 - minifig House Party Protocol polybag? I would pay big money for that. Am I the only one who is sick of a) Spider-Man origin story movies and b) Spider-Man as an insecure 17-some-odd old teenager? Peter Parker to me - and granted, I don't know squat about Spider-Man comics - has always appeared as a sort of wise-cracking responsible 20-25-year-old guy who is good at being a super hero. Maybe that's just head canon. Spider-Man as an upstart youngster compared to all these other older, established heroes is getting a bit old for me.
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