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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. don't need any sorry!! instead big huge thank you for the new parts!!
  2. at first i just pasted the new update then pasted the complete update and moved the g files in the lod0 folder and then again pasted only the update might due to the assembly files but i didn't touch them...
  3. so, at least now won't crash again... but still errors/issues
  4. i can't ldd crashes when i try to open that file...
  5. instead delete the g files i copied into lod0 folder and solved the missing parts issues... but the minifigure head group parts still crashes... :(
  6. thank you very very much for the update!!! unfortunately encountered some issues:
  7. just upload somewhere else and then write the link...
  8. yes, especially because i can still play my favourite game!!!!!
  9. to be really honest due to discord when started to play LEGO Legacy Heroes Unboxed for android... discord was the only support/info channel but then, because was a so boring game, started to look for Lego Universe servers... found a public one and then found Uchu and so started to play again LEGO Universe on 17/04/2021!!! and so, in short, all began with Uchu
  10. yes you can import whatever ldd piece!! the default brick build in property is still not fully implemented but as workaround you can import a full lxf file from ldd to use as model!! as you can see in the first post picture... that's my castle i built in ldd!! if you wanna try to build the game server and play it in local host just go here instead if you wanna play with other playes let me know and i'll send you a DM with an invite to a private server!! tbh i tried lego worlds n played it just few seconds...
  11. ohh that's why then... thanks for the explanation :)
  12. there is the LEGO archive for them as pdf file... enjoy
  13. so, ok, solved everything now just changed the group id in each xml: 299 => 274 for id 26820 (in the pic there is a typo: it's not 16820 but 26820 - sorry) 399 => 385 for id 9560 299 => 240 for id 11391 thanks to everybody for their help
  14. so, well, tried as you mentioned and saved the 3 parts in ldd then opened with stud.io and got the 3 ids: 16820, 9560 and 11391 before delete their xmls also checked if those parts was also somewhere else... but no :/ so didn't delete of course, never used, but might be still useful... so, my target now would be to assign those parts in the correct group as done in the example pic hope to figure it out how can do... obviously any help is very appreciate thanks
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