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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Paleo posted a post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    Originating with the Akan people of West Africa, the character of Anansi has since spread to African American and Caribbean folklore. He's known for his use of cunning to outwit powerful oppressors. This build is based on this short film's depiction of the trickster. (My entry for Redemption Round 2 of the 2020 Biocup.)
  2. • A wolf in grandmother's clothing from "Little Red Riding Hood." Built for Round 1 of the 2020 Bio-Cup in the "Canines" subtheme. reference artwork
  3. Paleo changed their profile photo
  4. • • Xph˚lgíœk, a trilaterian from Altair V, and Cyrus Pell, a hominid from Sol III, have teamed up to investigate the disappearance of the colony on Gamma Leonis II.•••This dynamic duo was built for the 2020 BioCup and CZQ's #CZQcharacters contest. Both were designed with a pulp sci-fi novel aesthetic in mind. Cyrus took cues from this artwork, and Xph˚lgíœk was inspired by povorot's Amphorans on DeviantArt.
  5. Paleo posted a post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    Merry Christmas! Here's a seasonal beast!
  6. Paleo posted a post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    A proof of concept for using 28220 as scales.
  7. Paleo posted a post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    • The second of two things I built the last time I had access to my collection.
  8. Paleo posted a post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    • First thing I've built in two years.
  9. Paleo replied to VBBN's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    Organic looking shells/shell ad-ons. Bring back the creature vibe from 2007.
  10. I loved 2007. So much. Perfect execution of the environment. Each villain was unique and had awesomely organic armoring, which was not only amazing piece-wise, but stood out from every other line that had been or would be produced. It felt to my young self like I was looking at something that normally wouldn't have gotten past a prototype stage. Plus, I loved the idea of Matoro being the hero. It was a nice change from the macho-fire-guy-wins-the-day trope that had existed up until then.
  11. Paleo replied to Leewan's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    That…makes a lot of sense actually. Some variations on the hand would still be nice though IMO.
  12. Paleo replied to Leewan's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    Seriously why won't LEGO make a part as beautiful as this? Wonderful job Leewan. A little bit of smoothing and they'd look official. I'm actually considering breaking my vow of purist-ism to use one of them. COME ON LEGO
  13. That shoulder armor is genius, and your torso armoring in general is really skillful. The lack of complete armoring (due to CCBS) is a mild annoyance, but overlookable for the fantastic color palette and design.
  14. Paleo posted a post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    "Security measures of every kind imaginable. Lasers! Sharks! Laser Sharks!" -Metalbeard's Built for a contest on BZP. The challenge was to create something from the LEGO Movie with constraction parts. Comments, criticism and votes (especially votes) are much appreciated.
  15. I called the Mall of America store and they said that the second waves sets aren't in, and they have no indication of when they'll be arriving.
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