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About apemax

  • Birthday 03/29/1991

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    75301 X-Wing

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    Lego, games, computers, programming, 3D modelling.


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  1. Another really great build, Nailed it. The only Panoz car I'd known about previously was the Esperante GTR-1 that was in Gran Turismo.
  2. Nice, Looking forward to seeing them then.
  3. Do I sense more interesting cars on the horizon perhaps? Will be keeping an eye out for sure.
  4. Really great build, Love that era of race cars and this is a fantastic example. Well done.
  5. The Tempest Mk.V is one of my favorite WW2 Aircraft and you have done a brilliant job with this model of it. Love it, Well done.
  6. Hello, Been working on this on and off for a while and finally finished it, A Minifig scale version of one of my favorite Hot Wheels cars, Way 2 Fast. It does just fit a minifig as well. More pictures, .io file and parts list on Bricksafe here: https://www.bricksafe.com/pages/apemax/hw-way-2-fast
  7. Loving the design of this, Really unique use of ZNAP pieces for the structure and great detailing all over. Well done.
  8. Ah right, Interesting, Thanks.
  9. Very impressive build, Looks to work quite well. Curious to know what material you are cutting in the video?
  10. Welcome to Eurobricks, You've done a really great job, All the little details are amazing.
  11. Hello, This is the ST-1 Battlewalker from the game War Thunder. More information about it can be found the on wiki here: https://wiki.warthunder.com/ST-1 I originally built this just after the event but never posted it here, I recently when back to the design and improved a few things that I wasn't 100% happy with so I'm posting it now. :) The .io file, instructions and parts list can be downloaded from bricksafe here: https://www.bricksafe.com/pages/apemax/st-1-battlewalker
  12. An amazing model of the F-4J, Awesome work.
  13. @MaximillianRebo, Cool, Thanks for letting me know.
  14. @JopieK, I suppose there just isn't as much demand for it as most software that are on Mac are also on Windows and Windows has a lot more software compared to Mac so it kind of makes sense to focus on Wine. Although now I come to look there is actually a Wine equivalent for running Mac software on Linux called Darling (https://www.darlinghq.org/). Still quite far behind compared to Wine though by the looks of it.
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