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Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by apemax

  1. Another really great build, Nailed it. The only Panoz car I'd known about previously was the Esperante GTR-1 that was in Gran Turismo.
  2. Nice, Looking forward to seeing them then.
  3. Do I sense more interesting cars on the horizon perhaps? Will be keeping an eye out for sure.
  4. Really great build, Love that era of race cars and this is a fantastic example. Well done.
  5. The Tempest Mk.V is one of my favorite WW2 Aircraft and you have done a brilliant job with this model of it. Love it, Well done.
  6. Hello, Been working on this on and off for a while and finally finished it, A Minifig scale version of one of my favorite Hot Wheels cars, Way 2 Fast. It does just fit a minifig as well. More pictures, .io file and parts list on Bricksafe here: https://www.bricksafe.com/pages/apemax/hw-way-2-fast
  7. Loving the design of this, Really unique use of ZNAP pieces for the structure and great detailing all over. Well done.
  8. Ah right, Interesting, Thanks.
  9. Very impressive build, Looks to work quite well. Curious to know what material you are cutting in the video?
  10. Welcome to Eurobricks, You've done a really great job, All the little details are amazing.
  11. Hello, This is the ST-1 Battlewalker from the game War Thunder. More information about it can be found the on wiki here: https://wiki.warthunder.com/ST-1 I originally built this just after the event but never posted it here, I recently when back to the design and improved a few things that I wasn't 100% happy with so I'm posting it now. :) The .io file, instructions and parts list can be downloaded from bricksafe here: https://www.bricksafe.com/pages/apemax/st-1-battlewalker
  12. An amazing model of the F-4J, Awesome work.
  13. @MaximillianRebo, Cool, Thanks for letting me know.
  14. @JopieK, I suppose there just isn't as much demand for it as most software that are on Mac are also on Windows and Windows has a lot more software compared to Mac so it kind of makes sense to focus on Wine. Although now I come to look there is actually a Wine equivalent for running Mac software on Linux called Darling (https://www.darlinghq.org/). Still quite far behind compared to Wine though by the looks of it.
  15. @JopieK, Yes there is, Unfortunately the Mac version doesn't work on Linux as Mac and Linux are actually quite a bit different. They may both have been similar to Unix in the past but they really don't share much. So best option for Linux users it to run the Windows version through Wine.
  16. Hello, The easiest way to run BrickLink Studio 2.0 on Linux is using a Wine manager. So far I have tested BL Studio with the following: Bottles. https://usebottles.com/ Bottles doesn't have a installer for BL Studio yet however if you create an application bottle and install BL Studio into it no other changes are needed. Known issues: 1 Lutris. https://lutris.net/games/bricklink-studio/ (Note, Currently the install script does not install corefonts, I have updated the install script with corefonts and am waiting for it to be approved.) Lutris has a install script that will automatically download and install BL Studio. Once installed no other changes are needed. Known issues: 1 Crossover. https://www.codeweavers.com/compatibility/crossover/bricklink-studio-20 Crossover has a crosstie that will automatically download and install BL Studio. Once installed the only change needed is to enable a virtual desktop to workaround known issue number 2. Known issues: 1 2 How to install using Wine. First make sure you have the latest version of Wine and Winetricks installed, Then install the core ttf fonts using winetricks: winetricks corefonts Next start winecfg and change the Windows version to Windows 10. Then go to the "Graphics" tab and enable the "Emulate a virtual Desktop" option. Now set the Desktop size to just under your actual desktop resolution so the wine desktop window fits on your desktop. Once you have done that click "Apply" then "OK" to close winecfg. Now download the latest 64 bit version of BrickLink Studio 2.0 and start the installer. You can do this through the terminal using this command: wine Studio+2.0.exe Now go through the installer like normal. Once the installer has finished you should have a "Studio 2.0" application shortcut in your desktop application menu you can use to start it. Mine is under the category "Wine" for example. Known issues on stock Wine: 1 2 3 Know issues and workarounds: 1: CUDA rendering doesn't seem to work. No known workaround yet. 2: Mouse and keyboard inputs stop working after changing window focus. Workaround: Open winecfg go to the "Graphics" tab and enable the "Emulate a virtual Desktop" option. Now set the Desktop size to just under your actual desktop resolution so the wine desktop window fits on your desktop. Once you have done that click "Apply" then "OK" to close winecfg. 3: Instruction Maker step preview doesn't show. No known workaround yet. I will try to keep this post as up to date as possible with known issues and workarounds. If you know of any workarounds to any issues please let me know and I will add them to this guide.
  17. Nice mashup build, Arms actually kinda fit the granite grinder.
  18. apemax replied to apemax's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    @LordsofMedieval, Thanks, Yeah, Although CCP don't really set the price for ship hulls or anything else on the market really, Mostly it's down to how rare the ship hull is and that's down to how many get built.
  19. @MaximillianRebo, Right, Cool to hear. Will keep an eye out for them.
  20. All of these are awesome, Nice work. Will you be doing instructions for the other two as well?
  21. @Turbodog1, Thanks. :)
  22. apemax replied to nocruoro's post in a topic in Community
    Hello, I just had a look myself and it seems like any search term that is 3 characters or less will not provide any results. Not sure why exactly but I know some searches don't accepts only 2 or 3 characters because it would bring up to many results.
  23. Really nice micro scale SLS MOC, Well done. Hopefully for SLS it is third time lucky.
  24. Hello, A mini Mustang Omega from Star Citizen. Built for the Ship Showdown 2952. More information about that here: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/ship-showdown2022 More pictures as well as the .io file and instructions can be downloaded from bricksafe here: https://www.bricksafe.com/pages/apemax/mini-star-citizen-mustang-omega
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