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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Yes i did not alter too much, i did install small latticed windows in the front where the crew cabin is and some other things. Mostly i did this to give it a more 16-17'th century look and also just to change the appearance a bit. The pictures do no justice to the lighting however. If i had the time i would alter a ton of other things, or start from scratch and make a totally tiled MOC. Just working way too much right now :( Anyway here are some better uploads for you all to critique. The whole mod took about 1 hour so dont grill me too hard :D 008 by codyhenning, on Flickr 005 by codyhenning, on Flickr 001 by codyhenning, on Flickr 002 by codyhenning, on Flickr 012 by codyhenning, on Flickr 006 by codyhenning, on Flickr 004 by codyhenning, on Flickr 018 by codyhenning, on Flickr 021 by codyhenning, on Flickr
  2. Modified the back windows/side windows and a few other things. Will get better and more pictures up soon. Any opinions?
  3. I am anxious for a picture of the interior, especially the cabin :)
  4. Oh yep your right, i just have the MOC section saved in favorites. Sorry! Got ahead of myself haha.
  5. So in my giddy excitement for a much needed quality pirate ship release, i came across this beauty. I must say, i am stoked! It is simple, but elegant and very swashbuckling. Sure there are always a billion things people like us can do to improve this, but i must admit, for a LEGO release, this is looking to be a very very promising ship. I know for a fact i will order this one on day 1 release, and then build the reddish brown EXACT copy of it with the fresh, renewed look it got after the curse was broken. Just for fun :) The best part of this one, is that they got back to basics. No more excessive bones or rediculous stuff please!! http://lego.wikia.co...184_Black_Pearl
  6. I positively love this ship for a number of reasons. The hatch leading to the lower deck is an amazing and original idea, as is the bulkhead. The use of the rounded cabin windows supplements this design perfectly and gives me a mental image of conquistadors sailing to the new world, or a flame lit pirate ship in the harbor of a gluttenous and debaturous town full of ale chugging pirates and a captain scheming up a plot in his quarters. The arched windows just seem to compliment this so well, i cant see the use of the 4x4 square windows (with lattice) doing the same trick here, although it works very well in most cases. As much as i like seeing scale ships made out of legos, i like this kind better. Lego's should be legos, and for some reason this is the only ship on this site that gets my imagination working like when i was a kid. I built a ship very similar in profile to this one not long ago with a very 'golden hinde' kind of hull but yours came out better. If i had this in my posession, i would turn the deck into brown plates, and give the cabin a pirate style makeover with mugs, kegs, maps, a table, a wench, some gold coins and a few cavalier pirates. I also think if you have the ability to LED the cabin from the inside out, it would make a killer display. Something about the glow through those cabin windows just gives me the chills in the best possible way.
  7. This looks amazing, the size of this ship is mind boggeling. I cant even imagine how many legos went into that. It might just be me, but i really want to see detailed pictures of the cabins, and i think the cabin windows would look alot better with the lattice style inserts. But im extremely biased toward the lattice windows, i just love them.
  8. Awsome MOC. I especially love the little barrel and lever shower and huge barrel of rum. The captains villa also is excellent. I want to see more pictures of the inside of these buildings.
  9. Hendawg212

    HMS Ares

    Looks really cool, i especially like the red snakes on the stern. I think it would look even better with white lattice windows instead of the square ones. I am biased though because i love the look of them.
  10. Will do, thanks for all the feedback and keep it coming. Look for some update pictures early next week with sails, rigging, and hopefully some tiled handrails. Ill have to scrounge for some brown flat pieces on bricklink im sure. Also, is there anything any of you would change? I was hoping to achieve the look of a ship similar to the "Golden Hind" (of Sir Francis Drake).
  11. Love it, cool idea!
  12. Definately on the masts and rigging. I just dont have time to do it until next week and i was hoping for some opinions. There is alot i still need to do to it before its fully done. Tile in the cabin (checker), possibly installing a bunch of LED's, sails need to be made too..
  13. [pid][/pid] 103c Urgent Action Needed Stolen ship of our proud blue coat navy now lies in the grasp of well trained pirates. In March 1688 she was taken captive with all hands lost. Her location is unknown captained by a formerly unknown man who goes by the name of William Leefearson. Now formaly known as The Leviathian. This name comes from the mouth of the few survivors to cross his path of destruction since the ship was siezed. Of those few men, no audible sounds can be heard say for the deamon nickname they dub him. Our source told of a tavern off Havanna where Leefearson was taking our sailors and exerting special punishment onto them. The pirates under his command have high levels of discipline and military training. Most formerly of royal navys throughout europe. No amount of resistance seems to detur these bloodlustful men from their greedy and dishonorable pursuits. It is with most urgency that this fierce villan be brought to justice. Sink, or take prize the Bristol Titan. King William III IMG_0280 by codyhenning, on Flickr They use pain to maintain discipline. Whips are well used. IMG_0296 by codyhenning, on Flickr IMG_0297 by codyhenning, on Flickr IMG_0299 by codyhenning, on Flickr IMG_0281 by codyhenning, on Flickr The Captain does not argue: IMG_0281 by codyhenning, on Flickr IMG_0301 by codyhenning, on Flickr IMG_0307 by codyhenning, on Flickr The first officer grabbing a drink: IMG_0304 by codyhenning, on Flickr IMG_0331 by codyhenning, on Flickr Below decks the pirates quench their thirst in the crew quarters and have a bit of fun: IMG_0324 by codyhenning, on Flickr IMG_0326 by codyhenning, on Flickr IMG_0316 by codyhenning, on Flickr IMG_0317 by codyhenning, on Flickr The Galley cooks up some mean stew in the oven: IMG_0325 by codyhenning, on Flickr IMG_0314 by codyhenning, on Flickr IMG_0318 by codyhenning, on Flickr Up front a fine storage or room for shenannagins with the escape hatch that goes to the front and 2 lockable doors. IMG_0310 by codyhenning, on Flickr Everything cross sections easy: IMG_0328 by codyhenning, on Flickr IMG_0334 by codyhenning, on Flickr
  14. I actually got a bulk order of 10 of them on Ebay for $10.00. Well worth it if you ask me.
  15. Ok, so as a hardcore pirate enthusiast i am tired of the plastic netting that seems to ruin the complection of my ships. However i dont have the time to make realistic netting from scratch so i came up with an idea. I used the longer whole lego nets and fused them together to make some sweet looking climbing nets. Not only is it easy, but its great looking. Here are some examples that i was messing with on an empty ship soon to be my next major MOC. On a side note you could just cut them to specs, but i like to keep my legos in original condition so i just folded them in to give the tapered look. IMG_0273 by codyhenning, on Flickr IMG_0274 by codyhenning, on Flickr IMG_0275 by codyhenning, on Flickr IMG_0277 by codyhenning, on Flickr IMG_0279 by codyhenning, on Flickr
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