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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by JimDude

  1. Well, that was quite the emotional rollercoaster
  2. While those two aren't exactly Chirons, it is still quite the wierd criticism when the series was started with a mundane GT3. I'd say the Bugatti is the odd one out.
  3. Well it can’t be a rotating stand for the car coz no hand would fit underneath the car to reliably operate the crank. That said, why is it so overengineered just to spin the logo? If it was to make it look cool, that failed I’d say, coz it looks ugly and out of proportion. In fact I think it doesn't even weigh enough to be able to spin the crank one-handed. You'd just shove the thing all over the place, so you'd have to hold it down with your other hand. I still think we’re missing a trick. (it's fake isn't it )
  4. ***How rumors start*** Aren't JCBs yellow?
  5. You can’t please all of the people all of the time. I remember vividly when the 42009 crane came out, everyone (*) was bitching that the outriggers didn’t work (they did, you just had to take your time and put the set together properly) or were at best moving at glacial speeds (well, yes, they did, just like the real thing! Through the most amazing gearbox ever (*) ). So, what is TLG supposed to do? Release the – horrible – Liebherr with lotsa direct drive making stuff move way too fast - for better playability - compared to the real thing (let’s not get into how much it looks like the real thing shall we…)? And sure enough: more criticism ensues. (And yes, there were two noticeable cranes in between these two, both met with… more criticism) (*) I’m being hyperbolic, as should be evident.
  6. The connector is behind the living quarters (which have a toilet that's cooler than the ones from City, but I digress). Which of course implies you can only attach something when the rover is stretched out. But this set does not look to have something that 'comes off' which you can then add to the other sets. Unless the entire living quarters can come off, but then I'd have expected them to show it on the box. I'm also totally convinced the City Space components will fit too. They use after all the same orangy connector. Has a - interconnectivity - crossover between themes ever been done before by LEGO? (BTW, as a kid, this lineup would have had me in ER, on oxygen supply, and attached to a heart monitor. As an adult evidently not as much because these really are playsets first and Technic sets second)
  7. Top job (and great remote control performance, even with the "system brick weight penalty", on which your model scores heavy - ohhh, look, a pun!). As an aside, we could probably use a thread dedicated to the other machinery that was on the 'bean table' (at the end of the YT). I understand those are probably not made by you, but nevertheless I need to see them :D.
  8. You know, TLG almost has me at the point where I'd like CADA (or was it MoldKing who released it first?) to patent the funky alternating hole beams.
  9. W.r.t. the windscreen being tilted the wrong way. It looks "better" - albeit not yet perfect - on the box (look at the angle it makes compared to the orange safety barriers). In fact, even the slope of the engine cover seems to look better on the box. Surely the demo-unit wasn't incorrectly assembled?
  10. Has anyone already tried to guestimate the hight - in bricks, d'Uh! - of this thing? Allow me to rephrase my own question: I'd be bitterly disappointed if this thing can't be loaded by a 42030 loader. Speaking of loading: I'm assuming the piece count will include 'payload', i.e. round bricks? I can't see them on the box, but then again, the all important bottom right corner of the box is obscured.
  11. Except when its a cement pump truck, of course. Then again, 'cementmisher' is not up for alternate translations.
  12. Never mind the car, Bottas is the Stig!?
  13. W.r.t. the 'wing-door' rumor: anyone else remember the initial 'UCS technic car' rumor, namely the BMW i8? Well, that has wing doors. (It's also uglier than a F&F Mitsu, but I digress)
  14. It was actually even better than that. It was 25% off on their already low 'red prices' (i.e. they guarantee to match their price to the lowest from their competitors). Eg. the 42082 was red-priced to EUR 199 (i.s.o. the 250 it should be in Belgium), and then the 25% off, which is how I got my copy at 149 EUR :). But there was more: they had a concurrent LEGO-savings action where every 10EUR spent gave you a coupon. With 15 coupons, you got a free set (*) and a party pack (total worth according to them 70EUR). Since the 42082 got me the required 15 coupons, I essentially spent 149 - 70 = 79 EUR on it. (OK, not really. I'm still out of 149 EUR and got a set and a partypack that I don't need but the mind does work in mysterious ways). (*) Choice between a fixed city/friends/duplo set. The city set was the netshooting 'copter taking down the statue-stealing drone. I really just said "the netshooting 'copter taking down the statue-stealing drone", didn't I? Sigh. I should have googled the set number :lol: I don't remember the Friends set in detail (a large heart loaded with minifig things), and don't remember the DUPLO set at all.
  15. There was a Belgian company which did exactly this: rent out sets. It was a very short-lived company...
  16. Apologies for not having anything on-topic to add, but seeing my favorite classic-space set on that shelf both fills me with joy ("He chose ~my~ set and not that vastly over-hyped 928 (*)!") as well as with sadness ("they just don't make 'm like that anymore…"). (*) There, I said it. Feels good too.
  17. If you go to a Carl's Jr to have a Double Western Bacon and Cheeseburger, I will not only officially hate you, but I will also utter some very harsh words in the privacy of my own basement while the rest of the family is soundly asleep. Some very. Harsh. Words! (enjoy yourself)
  18. Hmz, once you see it, you can't unsee the ladybug in the logo. (torso's as such are nice, though)
  19. The presentation for the 42100 Liebherr says 'real life sounds'. I had a bit of an accident in my underpants when seeing that. Of course, I quickly realized they'd be coming from the smartphone… Oh well. This thing is still epic. Any guesses on what all the -slightly ugly- yellow bits sticking out are? Especially in the undercarriage they look out of place (on the boom they could be fake lights, but on the undercarriage?).
  20. I only have your movie above to go on, but it looks as if the problem is simply that the one of the "grabber-axles" couldn't extend all the way down since it got squished between the orange ball it was trying to grab and the white ball which lodged itself in the corner of the box. I'm guessing the actual issue would be solved by allowing the balls in that corner some more space. By adding bracing, I fear you may have worked around the problem by making the arm stronger (so the axle does push down in between lodged balls), which will have the unwanted effect of additionally wearing down that part of the module (or perhaps even the motor itself).
  21. The arrows indicate that the pistons move up and down, not that the hood can be removed. Besides which, the picture is of the B-model - which is exceptionally well done I might add - which doesn't even have a hood.
  22. The water canon appears to be pneumatic and it 'shoots' blue 'water tubes', which look to be of antenna thickness. Quite amazing due to possible eye injuries. I do hope the handpump/bellows is properly integrated, i.e. that you do not have to take it out of the truck to squish it [EDIT] Also looks as if the crane can tip over the lamppost which in turns hits a lever on the side of the building, which puts the entire place 'on fire' by popping up the flames.
  23. Speaking of which, did I read correctly it is supposed to be at LegoWorld '18 in the Netherlands?
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