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About ajs0658

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  1. Great News! do you have high res "breakdown foto's "?
  2. Ok, overruled by the "master" (and to Bonox: indeed there is NOT enough space!) Now I'm confused: should i stay with the source an turn them outward, or should i stay with my solution and move the receivers one beam outward... I think i 'll let it depend on the space needed. Lucio, I made an "all black" ladder with '32' axles but I tends to torck. Are you familiar with his problem (or other readers) and is there a way to solve this?
  3. Bonox, I think there is enough room because if you look at the pictures of Lucio (the one with the open doors), you can see the selector switch, so he did the same I figured that I have to use two receivers for the four XL motors to be on the safe side. On the front we do have a bit more space, but there has a drive shaft to pass in between, so also the leads have to be laid out carefully
  4. HI Lucio, I'm still going strong figuring out how you did things. Result is that I end up re-inventing solutions. http://www.brickshel...y.cgi?i=6294625 http://www.brickshel...y.cgi?i=6294624 http://www.brickshel...y.cgi?i=6294623 I have to go shopping or some parts so the leds are still visible
  5. Hi you all, With the help of the manual i managed to bring up the pictures To view some more : http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=557404 Alex
  6. Lucio, as Promised some foto's made with my Samsung S5 http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/ajs0658/Airport-Crash-Tender/20150709_193359.jpg http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/ajs0658/Airport-Crash-Tender/20150709_193546.jpg http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/ajs0658/Airport-Crash-Tender/20150709_193559.jpg http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/ajs0658/Airport-Crash-Tender/20150709_193903.jpg i' am the proces uploading them to brickshelf and as a newby on this haven't figured out how to show them directly in this forum.. i' am sorry so it will take a while
  7. Hi Lucio, like the most reply's i'm amazed by your MOC. Tried to make a simular moc by upscaling model 60061, but I failed in trying so.. think i can tribute you the most by trying to rebuild your MOC from your foto's and until now i think I succeeded doing so in parts. I think I figured out how you did the axels and steering. Will see if I can deliver some pictures to prove my statement One question: you mention 5 RF receivers, i can only find two, Where did you hide the other three ? Alex
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