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About supertruper1988

  • Birthday December 10

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    2018 X-Wing

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  1. Looks awesome. Really reminds me of the Paradisa line from my childhood!
  2. You can use a model railroad DC speed controller HO typically goes up to ~15VDC and can carry some amps so you will need to measure the output and mark it to not go over ~10 or so volts. You could also build your own with a PWM circuit and a ~9V DC wall adapter. Plenty of videos and guides on how to do such a thing. For track connection, you will need to solder directly to a piece of track or cut up a cable or use a PF extension cable to get the power to the track.
  3. This is awesome! My wife and I visited these houses last year for a vacation and it is very cool to see them here in LEGO too!
  4. Ahh ok that was what I saw and then there was some discussion given about rubber bands and I was failing to follow how it worked in the final version. Thank you so much for your help!
  5. So in the final version the trailer does not disconnect remotely? I saw that you had tried that in the early versions but I did not quite follow the auto translate through to the end where you use the cheese slope to hold the kingpin.
  6. For what reason? Everything is a trade off. If you have metal gears, then are you prepared to also have metal axles? what about replacing motors when the drivetrain gets stalled and instead of a part breaking it just overloads the motor? What about metal wheels or side rods? Then at what point is it just a lego shaped brass model? In my mind its a rabbit trail and I ask all these questions mostly in jest. To answer your question about do I use them? No and I dont see a need to because I have had a drive train stall and it broke one of the half thick 12 tooth bevel gears. I was happy to only replace that instead of having to tear apart the entire model to replace the motor.
  7. Yeah there was some drama surrounding it because scale modeling at "minifig" scale not exactly city and not exactly technic. There was a scale modeling sub-forum for a while and the moderators decided that it had to be a large scale like greater than 1:20 or it had to be a very small scale like less than 1:150 or something. I personally thought that any scale model made of LEGO elements should have been included but I and others were strongly out voted. I watched your video (with auto translated English subtitles) and it was unclear what might be needed if I only cared to have the driving and steering portion of the controls. I have several models of American trucks in a similar scale and I would like to make one or more of them motorized as you have done. You also mentioned (I think) that you had not seen someone else do this and the only similar occurrence I can recall is a person that made a motorized truck but the power for the driving and battery was housed in the trailer only using a micro motor for steering in the tractor unit. Your use of the Circuit Cube is quite ingenious to make it all fit in the tractor unit.
  8. Unfortunately the Technic folks feel that 1:45 is too small I really like your truck! I love that its motorized too.
  9. I am rather confused. I open Ldraw files all the time and dont have this issue at all.
  10. But if you want to preserve the steps you created, release the sub model in build mode otherwise you are stepping it out all over again.
  11. woah these are awesome! Love the background on the pics too!
  12. I have done hundreds of instructions in studio. What you are asking is perfectly reasonable and logical in the computer, but in the brick I find there is a better approach. Of your 3 sub models, pick which one is the "base" or "main assembly" then make that have all of its steps in the main model. then insert one of the other assemblies as a sub model in its own step and then the other submodel in another step. If you have say a repetive part that you need to build several times, at various points, then what I do is show it the first time, use the text function to say x6 or whatever then I make a second model that has only 1 step with all the parts and on those steps in the page layout, I turn off the parts list for the step and color the callout to look like the parts list. make the assembly the "part" Hope this helps.
  13. And one more for good measure
  14. Bump: I added the Technic Muscle to my folder. I did have to swap around a few parts and I used the Speed Champion wheel cap in a smaller tire trick https://bricksafe.com/pages/supertruper1988/imvanya
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