Everything posted by Dengar
(MOC) - A part of Theed
Hello, yes you are right, I wanted to write Theed. Sry. Can anybody change this in the headline? And thanks for your nice words.
(MOC) - A part of Theed
Hello, today I want to show you my new Moc. I hope you will enjoy to look at these pictures.
UCS ARC-170 Starfighter
Hello, thanks to you both for your answer. @lightningtiger: I come from Germany an so I do not speak english so well, sry. What do you want to say with your second sentence?
UCS ARC-170 Starfighter
Hello, an other Moc from me is my Arc 170 Satrfighter, but until now I did not get a good idea, how I should design the cockpit, because at the moment it is to small. Do you have any idea? Hopening for a answer. Dengar
[Castle] Outpost on the high seas
Hello, thanks for answering. No, I did not play with it^^
[Castle] Outpost on the high seas
Hello, this is my new castle moc called "Outpost on the high seas". This is a really great forum and so I wanted to show my new moc. I hope you will answer. Regards, Dengar
Some things to sale - Star Wars, City.......
Ok, for Alfred 11Euro + Shipping costs for a Battle Droid 1,90 + Shipping cost Sth. means something. 7655 I don't have any more.
Some things to sale - Star Wars, City.......
Suggest me sth.
Christmas party at Vader's house
Hello, yes I know that I'm in general too late but I wasn't able to post this entry earlier, because I registered such for a few days and I built this vignette ´specially for this challenge, so I really hop that I still can take part in this challenge.
Christmas party at Vader's house
Hello, I want to show you my entry for the new Challenge "Every day live". It takes place at Vader's house. Here are the pictures:
Some things to sale - Star Wars, City.......
Hello boys and girls, I want to sell some things, I didn't need any more. If you are interested in something, write my want you want and from where you come. I come from Germany so it would not efficiently to buy one mini fig fi you come from Italy f. e.. Here the things I want to sell: Minifiguren: (Star Wars) (Seperatisten) - Asaijj Ventress - 9x Battle Droiden - Battle Droiden Pilot - 1x Magna Guard - AD-4 (Grievous Starfighter) - 2x Suchdroide Sith Infiltrator - Jango Fetts Torso (mit Riss) - Spiderdroide (blau) (Republik) - Anakin(Pilot, jung, gelb) - Mace Windu (TCW) - 2x Qui-Gon Jinn - Episode 3 Klon (Jet Trooper) VERKAUFT - Anakin Episode 2 Tusken Raider Encounter - 2x Suchdrohne RAG - Qui Gon ohne Beine - Anakin Encounter Set ohne Beine - Yoda (ehemaliger Schlüsselanhänger) - Padme ohne Haare - Luminara Unduli VERKAUFT - Plo Koon - Obi Wan (Naboo Swamp) - Obi Wan (EPI2, Headset gelb) - Obi Wan (EPI2, gelb) - Obi Wan (flesh, aus Jedi Starfighter mit Hyperboostring) (Imperium) - AT-ST Driver - Darth Vader(ohne Helm) - 2x Darth Vader - Mouse Droide - 2x Sentry Droide (Landspeeder) - Snowtrooper - Tie Droiden Gehirn (Rebellen) - C-3PO(Landspeeder,dunkel) - 2x C-3PO (Sandcrawler,hell) - Chewbacca (altbraun) - Dack Ralter - Hoth Rebell (flesh) - 3x Luke (Pilot, altgrau) - 3x Luke (Pilot, neugrau) - Obi Wan Kenobi (4501) - Obi Wan (Landspeeder, ohne Haare) - Leia (Endor) VERKAUFT - 2x R2-D2 (alt) - 2x R2-D2 (neu) - R2-D2 (6210) - Rebellen Pilot Y-Wing - 2x Yoda (alt) - Yoda (TCW) - Han Solo in Carbonit - Rebellen Pilot (blauer Helm) - Luke (Landspeeder flesh) - Hoth Rebellen Soldat (alt,gelb) - Chewbacca (Reddish Brown) Andere: - Gasgano - Owen Lars (ohne Haare) - 2x Skelett (Wampa Cave) - Boba Fett (6209) - Boba Fett (altgrau) - Wookie Krieger (Sonstige) (Batman) - 2x Alfred - Two-Face - Batman(ohne Umhang) (Harry Potter) - Ron Weasley (blauer Torso) - 2x Harry Potter - Draco Malfoy - Ron Weasley (grauer Torso) (Andere) - Gary(Spongebob Schwammkopf) - 7x (Alte Mars) Aliens - 3x Zombie (sammlerfiguren Serie 1) Sets: (Star Wars) - 7259 ARC-170 Starfighter (GEBRAUCHT, OHNE Figuren, mit BA) - 7675 AT-TE Walker (NEU, mit Figuren, mit BA) - 7675 AT-TE Walker (GEBRAUCHT, ohne Figuren + Stap, mit BA, Bilder im Album) - 7655 Clone Troopers Battle Pack (GEBRAUCHT, ohne Figuren u. Turm, mir BA) - 8014 Clone Walker Battle Pack (NEU, ohne Figuren, mit BA) - 2x 8085 Freeco Speeder [/size](NEU, ohne Figuren, mit BA) - 7153 Jango Fett's Slave I (GEBRAUCHT, ohne Figuren mit BA) VERKAUFT - 2x 8092 Luke's Landspeeder (NEU, ohne Figuren, mit BA) - 6x 7668 Rebel Scout Speeder (NEU, ohne Figuren, mit BA) - 1x 7668 Rebel Scout Speeder (NEU, MIT Figuren, mit BA) - 7663 Sith Infiltrator (GEBRAUCHT, ohne Figuren und Speeder, mit BA, Bilder im Album) - 7663 Sith Infiltrator (ohne Figs) - Tie Advanzed (aus 10131) - Tie Advanzed (aus 7150) - 2x 7658 Y-Wing( ohne Figs) - 4x 8083 Hoth Bp (ohne Figuren) - Bunker (NEU, aus 8038) - AT-ST (NEU, aus 8038) - 2x Ewok Katapult (NEU aus 8038) - 2x Ewok Gleiter (NEU aus 8038) - Wampacave (NEU,ohne Figs und Snowspeeder) - Wookie Catamaran (aus 7260) - Swamp Speeder (aus 7260) - 3x Clone Trooper BP 7665 (ohne Figuren) (City) - 2x 5610 Builder (NEU) - 2x 5613 Firefighter (NEU) - 2x 7630 Front-End Loader (NEU) - 2x 7942 Off-Road Fire Rescue (NEU) - 2x 7236 Police Car - Blue Sticker Version (NEU) - 2x 5612 Police Officer (NEU) (Andere) - 1x 8967 Gold Tooth's Getaway (NEU) - 7x 8631 Mission 1: Jetpack Pursuit (NEU) - Seeschlange aus (7018) (Basis) -Weiße Basis und Schrägsteine in großen Mengen (teils stark gebraucht)
Nice, you built it really detaileded.
Review: Stormtrooper Alarm Clock
I like this clock and the picture with Darth Vader is really funny.
MINI Rebel Snowspeeder (T-47 Airspeeder)
It lookes like is bigger brother from Lego. But if I would you I would't use so much orange in the front.
Endor Bunker
It's like the Bunker from Lego so it's nothing special for me. But the tiled bottom ist really nice. I love tiles.
[MOC] Bounty Hunter's Starfighter
Hello, the starfighter looks like a little General Grievous Starfighter and I really like this starfighter.
- Star Wars LEGO Photography
Review: 20018 Mini AT-AT
I like you're review. You demonstarted how to build it and it's detailed, too.
MOC Castle
Nice, but I would use knights and not Spartans.
Stinger VV
Really nice! The colours are great and the technic, too.
destroyer droid.
But the basis model is nice but not perfect. I would recommend you to look at this version of a destroyer droid.
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