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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone has or knows a way to get the Superman minifig on LDD with the symbol on his torso? Thanks.
  2. I honestly would love to see some brickarms legos in the next one...if that's possible.
  3. Yeah...sorry, I'm brain dead today xP. What would I have to do to make it easier for you?
  4. I can take off LU if that would help.
  5. Oh, I'm sorry. Yes, I did reactivate LU for LDD 4.
  6. I did reinstall LDD 3, that's when the two things changed back to something I didn't want. What would I have to do with the preferences button?
  7. Hey guys, We're in the midst of making a Lego Titanic movie that will hopefully be on youtube in Spring of 2011. Here is our channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheCAFProduction We're still writing the script, but we have already realized that we need voices for the numerous characters. Therefore, we're asking for help from anyone who is interested in providing voices for us. Here is our official video of the casting call: If you are interested, please email us at thecafproduction@gmail.com and tell us that you are interested and whether you are a male or female. Also, please send a brief recording so we can have an idea of what your voice sounds like. The film will be shot on Lego Digital Designer and we're already filming the scenes in the script that have been finished. So far, we have had 9 people join us. Also, this is NOT a recreation of the 1997 movie. This film is meant to focus on the history of the ship. Thanks guys!
  8. Sorry about forgetting to put the image up! Here's the shadow look it has from certain angles.
  9. Sorry to bug yall with another post. I encountered a lighting problem in LDD 4. Depending on the angle, things will be very dark. I remember seeing a post about this, and the solution to it, but I can't seem to find that post anymore. Could anyone please provide me with that link, or just the solution to the lighting problem? THANKS!
  10. You had a problem opening a file in LDD 4? Or getting back the suit bricks?
  11. I recently downloaded LDD 4.0 while having 3.1.3. During that time with 3.1.3, I had a black, minifig torso suit, and I had the ability to change a minifig brick's suit torso to any color I wanted (I have LDD Universe). I also had a certain minifig head. I downloaded 4.0, but for some reason, when I opened one of my big files, there was nothing...as if the whole thing had been erased (the file was there, the contents were not). I wasn't satisfied by this, so I went back to LDD 3.1.3. When I downloaded it, the minfig torso had changed to white (I wanted to upload a picture, but it wouldn't let me). I could change the color of the back and the sleeves, but not the white part. To make matters worse, that minifig head I referred to earlier had changed back to an older version. When I had first downloaded 3.1.3, it had that same white torso and that same old minifig head. After a week or so, however, LDD 3.1.3 had been updated and had changed the torso to black and the minifig head to the way I had now had it until LDD 4. Do yall know of any way I can change that white torso back to black and the head back to the head I want? The old head (the one it got changed back to and that I don't want) is in the picture. Thanks!
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