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Super Brick Collector

Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by Super Brick Collector

  1. What a disappointment if that's the May 4 exclusive. I prefere a rare trooper or some rare alien.
  2. So off topic but I love those movies. Does anyone have any pics or links to this TOR set?
  3. That minifig looks great. It's a special forces commander. I think that book comes out June or July. I'm definitely gonna pic it up.
  4. This new series could also be based on The Old Republic or Legacy era which is about 20 to 30 years after ep6. Either way Lego can make some fantastic sets from this new series.
  5. I'm crossing my fingers that we do get one.
  6. It would be great if it was a shadow arc trooper phase 2.
  7. I'd like another special trooper as the exclusive fig this may the 4th.
  8. When do we usually find out what goodies we get for May the 4th?
  9. Where did your read this or hear it?
  10. The Kamino set we getting is the planet set. A actual set with figures, I don't see that happening for a few years.
  11. Iv been waiting for years for this to be made into a UCS set.
  12. That and just a lack of clone pilots and troopers. Hopefully they have an exclusive set or sets including these figs.
  13. He is a clone captain. The clone commander comes in the AT-TE. Everything looks great in these sets. My only problem a lack of clones and geonosians.
  14. The sets look great. I see we get a clone captain in the RGS and a clone commander in the AT-TE. I hope they show some of the exclusive sets.
  15. Well looking good from what I see. Thanks for the video.
  16. If this is true that's over 300 usd. Ohh my dear, my poor wallet...
  17. We'll have pics next week cause of the NYC toyfair.
  18. I agree the lack of clones is horrible. But on the positive side it looks like every set will come with a special clone. So we got a Sargent in the battle pack. AT-TE comes with a commander. So I'm guessing the RGS comes with a captain or a lieutenant clone.
  19. Thanks, so it AT-TE comes with a clone commander. And the Jek-14 set looks interesting.
  20. I agree. I'm in favor of anything that is Star Wars made into Lego.
  21. Yeah it is a clone commando. If you go to wookieepedia look it up.
  22. They are the sand red battle droids.
  23. I agree with you. Lego is slacking big time on this. What a ripoff. The battlepack to is a ripoff. You can't army build anymore.
  24. Well I better get a second job cause it looks like it's gonna be a long Lego summer for me.
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