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Super Brick Collector

Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by Super Brick Collector

  1. It's say new next to the fig and it also says hard to find Minifigs.
  2. It seems you were correct after all.
  3. Sorry if this is off topic but Zack Snyder isn't working on any Star Wars film. That's a bogus rumor. And does anyone know how many sets we getting this summer exactly?
  4. I would go with battle of Hoth. Any how anyone in the states spot the planet sets yet?
  5. Yeah you guys are right. I took another look and it is the old helmet. Crossing fingers they give home a phase 2 helmet.
  6. Nice, thank you for the link. By the look of it Gree has a new helmet mold.
  7. NYC toyfair is in a few weeks they reveal whatever it we getting this summer. As for the poly bags they usually run for $3.99 or $4.99.
  8. Yes it's sometime around mid February.
  9. Those are pretty good. Looking forward to the real ones to be released.
  10. Wouldn't it be cheaper to get clones on brink link or eBay? Or just buy the battlepacks and sell the other stuff?
  11. Wow, thanks this list sounds great. Now the only thing missing is a set with some republic commandos...
  12. Ok, what about stormtroopers? Have seen any in none of the sets coming out.
  13. Looking back these past 2 years there's a serious lack of battle droids in sets. I hope next summer we can get some battle droids and stormtroopers.
  14. I rather see a clone commander or separatist commander may the 4 exclusive figure. Jango will be in a set again eventually.
  15. That would be great. We haven't had any jawa Minifigs in years.
  16. Thanks for them pics, ok I'm glad I have the old sail barge cause this new one sucks sooo bad. The gunship is a must for me.
  17. Well there's always 2014 and every year after that. So I still have hope that Lego will come up with some scenes that deserve to be made into sets.
  18. Lego should pursue expanded universe. There's so much potential there.
  19. You sir are correct. Would've been nice if there was no exclusive or limited sets. It's a pain driving to all those places looking for them sets.
  20. Target and Walmart I guess since TRU has the Hoth set.
  21. Indeed, if they bring back the old battle packs I hope they include 2 regular clones and 2 special clones it makes it more buyable.
  22. I definitely agree with you. She is useless in this set a 501st would've even been better or at least 2 clones of the 212th and the 2 umbarans would be ideal.
  23. Looking now at the Umbaran MHC. Why did they only include on clonetrooper? Feels like a rip off to me.
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