Space Marines!
This is incredible stuff! I can only imagine what awesome MOCs could be made with an army of these guys.
Mitgardia Guild: Homepage, Sign-up and Discussion
Well, we found time to set up a simple, yet effective tower. The first two local militia men are taking the first guard duty. A local girl has stopped by to bring them freshly baked bread (the smell is incredible) and smoked salmon. Honestly, perhaps we should just stay here ourselves with this kind of support. The local brewery even promised to provide free barrels of mead! The tower is protected by several thick layers of hardwood planking. We've used them for target practise and out finest arrows wouldn't even stick in the wood. We donated some of the weaponry we've collected during our travels. It should be plenty to fight off any bandits that come along. In case of a big emergency, the wood filled basket on top of the flagpole will be set alight to warn the locals. Me and my men are just about to leave this area. We're thinking of visiting some old friends of mine who life on the edge of a good sized lake. It's usually frozen and they have become expert icefishers over the years. Hopefully they are willing to contribute part of their catch to Mitgardia's growing army. Hrolf
Mitgardia Guild: Homepage, Sign-up and Discussion
Taking a break at a small cave in the ridge along a small but often used path. It's been here for many years, most likely carved out by early travelers looking for shelter from the harsh weather in the area. Someone has even been kind enough to fell a tree and make a pair of crude benches outside. It may just be a relatively small route, but that makes it useful for infiltration. If there is time, we will build a simple watchtower on top of the ridge and bring volunteers from a nearby village in to serve as guards. Right now, there's too much fog to do the building. We will wait a few days to see if it clears up. (( Woop, first MOC posted. Hopefully I can find the time to make part two with a tower on top ))
MOC: Forest witch's house
Very impressive! So many details to admire and a nice story to go along with it. Looking forward to more from you!
Evolution of St. Martin's Church
Beautifully detailed! Also a little surprising, I was expecting a space age church at the end.
Making the jump from watching to participating
Hello everyone! I've been following this great community for quite some time now and keep wanting to jump in and get my feet wet. Unfortunatly, all kinds of non-lego things have kept me too occupied to do much. Until now. Especially with the guilds in the history forum, I want to get started with some MOCs. Surely this is one of the greatest places to watch and learn with so many great builders around.
Mitgardia Guild: Homepage, Sign-up and Discussion
Hrolf Finehair reporting in to serve the guild. Me and my fellow adventurers just returned from a rather long journey, only to find that the realm is getting eerily close to open warfare. We needed little time to decide that should it come to that; we would defend our towns, our families and the land we love. We are of little use as soldiers in a regular army, but will surely prove invaluable when it comes to scouting and raiding camps. For the time being, we intend to continue travelling in our border regions to keep a watchful eye out. For Mitgardia! Hrolf Finehair
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