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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by Gjallarhorns

  1. I want to believe it but it looks sooooooooooooooo fake. I agree with GuyDudeMan27. The bricks look to crappy for a LEGO add and i doubt LEGO would use the exact same palette for the second wave of TFA sets. It is even more unlikely that they would use that kind of advertising again in the first place. My bet is on fake. Only time will tell.
  2. HAHAHA Stop being so butthurt XD i get a kick out of people like you. Trust me, I know what a heated conversation is like on these forums. I just enjoy picking on people who take everything so seriously. You can't deny, its pretty hilarious watching people like you fumble for an argument XP
  3. Lets all just take a chill pill here. Nobody is antagonizing you. Lets all just do what we are supposed to do here and stay on topic. I neither agree nor disagree with your opinion and I'm sure many would agree. As you said, quite ironically: nobody gives a flying squirrel about your opinions. So, lets grow up, stay on topic and stop acting like a bunch of primates.
  4. Haha well I may not understand how one can prefer clones to stormtroopers, but there is still a chance that there could be clone content in the DLC's
  5. I agree. This bickering is pointless. Lord Vader will provide us with the location of the Rebel fortress by the time this station is operational. We will then crush the Rebellion with one swift stroke.
  6. THIS JUST IN: In the upcoming Bespin Carbon Freezing Chamber set, the mechanism used to raise the frozen Han Solo from the chamber will be flick-fire missile! That's right, we are going back to the old 1x2x5 printed brick with a flick-fire missile piece attached to the bottom!
  7. Excuse me but it seems a gentleman has run off with my chocolate milk. He assured me he was very trustworthy and left me a business card as insurance. So if you see a "Jimmy Rustle" around here with a glass of chocolate milk, please contact me immediately at: someknavestolemymilk@hotmail.ca. Thank you all.
  8. Though it does appear to be that way, this is incorrect. The cockpit piece appears longer because the photo of the box was taken at a low angle. The cockpit piece is the same one. If lego bothered to change it or make a new piece for the cockpit, they would have made a shorter and more accurate looking one. I agree that in the photo it does look slightly longer but it is just an optical illusion due to the angle the picture was taken at.
  9. I don't really know if this has been talked about yet, so im sorry if this is a repeat comment, but it looks as thought the spring-loaded missiles on the Falcon are activated by pressing inside the access ports on the forward mandibles. I cant tell if the missile tail would be visible from the top, or if there would be a plate between your finger and the projectile. Again, this may not be news to anyone but i just noticed and thought it was a very interesting way to implement those ports that before have (on recent millennium falcons) been identified using only stickers.
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