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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by Terrynomnoms

  1. I wondered if they might make a battle pack for Saw's rebels
  2. Well we didn't see his figure in the leaked images (I don't think...) so I think he might come in the next wave and therefore most likely with hair rather than bald (unless he goes from one to the other in the film then who knows!)
  3. I think it might be some sort of brickbuilt torpedo / rocket launcher. I really like the variety in weapon builds the Rogue One sets have
  4. Great details and greebling!
  5. I hope this fits this topic, but with the rumour (or is it confirmed now) of the UCS Snowspeeder on its way, do you think it'll be likely we get more mini-fig scale UCS single person ships? I'm thinking X-wings, Y-wings ect, we've had a tie fighter, but was that to a mini-fig scale?
  6. Rogue One is supposed to be set imminently to A New Hope (I'm fairly sure) so I would assume / hope it will probably be similar to the AT-ST in the Empire Strikes Back with the odd change maybe
  7. I think John Boyaga said they had either started or were starting very soon (like less than a month)
  8. I think it's a rehashed version of the Rey's Speeder image with a lot more brown and a tree if I remember rightly... (so yep, BB8)
  9. Yes, but we are currently in somewhat of a dry season for now
  10. The new TFA ship also seems to have new weapons! (in the hands of the pilots) The left Pilot's weapon looks to have new details on the barrel but this could just be due to bad enlarging...
  11. It appears that the new TFA set's pilots have helmets with lifting fronts but does however leave the visor covering the eyes. Could be due to the visor being printed on the fig unlike Poe and the other X-wing pilot's helmets
  12. Hey I found an unboxing and possible review (I didn't want to watch it and have the set build spoiled) of Rey's Speeder on youtube
  13. oops sorry! I was chatting to a guy on reddit who found a load of Rey's Speeders at John Lewis and I assumed it was you :/ Sorry!
  14. It has just occurred to me that the female officer minifig in the "lead-villain shuttle" could possibly be TLG making a unmasked out of uniform Phasma figure but covertly as not to out her as a character. Or it could just be a female officer within the First Order, who knows!
  15. The Bespin set could also be linked to TFA (possible spoilers maybe) in some way as the new poster has some art reminiscent of the Carbonite chamber
  16. Would a new UCS Millennium Falcon not be in competition with the soon to be released TFA Millennium Falcon though? I can't see Lego letting this happen really
  17. What's D23? Sadly I think the first we are going to see (aside from leaks and what not) of the new sets will most likely be on that force Friday with maybe a few hints in the final few days
  18. I think the video does show parts of the UCS set (or at the very least large play set) but not the whole thing and they might be hiding a few more surprises and parts of the sets for a big reveal later
  19. Poly-bags are generally from specific shops and come with spending a certain amount or on a specific day,
  20. Still possible she might be a poly-bag figure with proper chrome then!
  21. Do you have any idea if the cape will be red? As I think the previous now supposedly prototype figure had a black cape. Also how would there be so many grey Phasma figures if the official final figure is going to be chrome?
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