Everything posted by Dfenz
[MOC] National Library of Ireland
Thanks for the kind comments. We found that using LEGO train tracks as the base for the curve offered vital stability. We then had to figure out how deep the interior walls needed to be to accommodate the books. The outer part of the tracks supported the steps and columns. The inner part of the tracks formed the foundation for the walls.
[MOC] All 17 Modular Buildings in Mini format - and more!
Fantastic idea. This is the first time I've seen these and there is huge potential here for an ever-increasing layout. The integration of the models with the streets, water and bridges is nicely done. Excellent work.
[MOC] National Library of Ireland
Finally completed, this is the latest creation of Bfenz and myself, the National Library of Ireland. It is on display in the foyer of the library in Dublin. More pictures of the model are posted over at my Flickr page. The model has a full interior over multiple levels and a courtyard.
Dreaming of the next Eurobricks event
Voted Gunzburg. Munich is nice and accessible. The Fabrik attraction is unique. Not as expensive as the other two options and uses euro. Billund rather dull anyway unless people have access to LEGO HQ buildings (except for Legoredo area of park which is nice). No Loplett in Billund anymore either. Also Skaerbaek fan weekend already has people travelling to Billund assuming we are allowed in and out of our respective countries.
Eurobricks event 2020 Billund information topic
And just two observations re Project Support ... applications only open up for a limited window of time in the summer and parts aren't typically received until the autumn/ winter at the earliest so parts ordered this year would have to be for a 2021 event and ... parts are acquired at Lugbulk prices, they aren't free ... so there is a cost involved ... whether this is more or less than previous years depends on whether support was provided free or at a discount in previous years.
No GWPs for Europe?
The Trinity GWP was also available in europe but it sold out very very quickly. I received it after ordering the stadium on its day of release.
Eurobricks event #15 Günzburg - information topic
I wouldn't be so sure about that. The Fenz's and Farrells will be in Gunzburg on the 8th/9th on the way back from Zagreb so it remains to be seen what parts will remain! For that reason we won't be attending despite our appreciation of that park.
Eurobricks event #15 Günzburg - information topic
The Harry Potter and Slough visits would sell it for the Fenzes although this will come immediately after Parades de Coura the previous weekend. We also have a regular event on Sunday 16th which is Father's Day the management of which we'd need to transfer to some other members. If it was the following week it would be a lot easier for us but we'll aim to be there, with the question remaining whether we have to leave on Saturday or Sunday.
[Wanted] Chinese New Year sets 80101, 80102, 80103
I am also looking for these beautiful sets and would be willing to share the costs of postage to europe if the same person supplied the three sets to both Holodoc and myself (we can work out the logistics of getting the sets to Ireland or Germany later).
- Eurobricks Event 2018 - Accommodation Topic
Eurobricks Event 2018 - Accommodation Topic
The accommodation options are available on also. As far as I am aware that site doesn't require payment in full up front. Also for couples who might not want to share the Hotel Svanen rate inclusive of breakfast is a reasonable €578 for 4 nights. Its much cheaper than trying to book a whole cabin or Pirate room.
- Eurobricks Event 2018 - Heads Up
Eurobricks Event 2017 - Information Topic
Yes. I can make the run to the station for you. See you there.
Eurobricks Event 2017 - Information Topic
Peppermint, how are you travelling to Gunzburg? Are you on the same train as Skalldyr arriving at 18.41?
Eurobricks Event 2017 - Information Topic
Sorry I posted in the wrong place. No need for a tour for me.
Eurobricks Event 2017 - Information Topic
Unfortunately while we arrive only an hour later than you into Munich we have a full car. While it probably won't apply to you given your timing, if anyone else is arriving by train into Gunzburg late in the evening (and I'm talking here between say 6pm and say 9pm, not any later!) I am prepared to do a quick run to/from Gunzburg train station if needed.
Eurobricks Event 2017 - Information Topic
We will have 3 merlin passes so no need for the cheap park ticket.
Eurobricks Event 2017 - Information Topic
Am I correct in thinking that if I already have a Merlin annual pass that expired last October I can renew for €69/€79 which would be much cheaper than the new member rate?
Eurobricks Event 2017 - Sign Up Topic
Given the last time your were in Fabrik in LEGOLAND, I take it hiring a Smart car is out of the question then?
Eurobricks Event 2017 - Final Dates and Location
One other point re 20% discount for those unable to avail of the AFOL shopping day. For the past few years when purchasing the Merlin annual pass we got a booklet of vouchers one of which has been a 20% off coupon (one time purchase but there is no limit to how many sets or parts can be in that purchase - or if there is I haven't reached it despite doing my best to test it). Without the coupon its 10% off in most shops (and free access to LL Billund if within 12 months). I haven't looked at this year's prices but these passes have paid for themselves many times over given our purchases and park-hopping.
Eurobricks Event 2017 - Final Dates and Location
I see you've applied to You are aware that we are no longer part of the empire?.
Eurobricks Event 2017 - Final Dates and Location
Don't forget that the Fabrik attraction in this park is unique in terms of type and availability of parts to acquire by weight. It is no coincidence that German bricklinkers often have large quantities of rare new parts. Last time out I picked up parts that do not appear in any sets presumably because they were swapped by park model builders for other parts they needed.
Eurobricks Event 2017 - Sign Up Topic
I believe you can get the effective 5% value through VIP points without a VIP card if you have a VIP number, for example if you forgot the physical card or signed up online.
Eurobricks Event 2017 - Sign Up Topic
Please sign up myself, Bfenz and Amfenz Need reservation at Kirchenbauerhof: yes please - Apartment sharing: yes/no -> No. Please reserve a 2 bedroom space for the Fenz family - Number of persons and length of stay? 3 persons staying from Wednesday night until Saturday night (4 nights - checking out Sunday) - Are you member of a registered LUG? Only those will be eligible to receive a discount of 15% on Saturday - Yes (x2)[And stickerx2] - Anything else we need to know? (help needed in flying/transport ...) Should be okay as we'll hire a car The dates of the event are Wednesday 26th - Sunday 30th of April. Wednesday and Sunday are travel dates only, program will be held Thursday til Saturday.
Eurobricks Event 2017 - Final Dates and Location
New dates fine with the Fenz's
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