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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Anyone got links for where I can buy Iron man Marks; 15 - Sneaky 24 - Tank 26 - Gamma 30 - Blue Steel Any and all help is appreciated!!
  2. Does anyone have a complete list of all the available iron man suits right now? :)
  3. Any new iron man stuff recently? :)
  4. I'm not any good at making designs but I've had a few amazing minifig ideas and no luck on getting them custom made so if you guys did start making customs I'd be all in with design ideas for what it's worth :p
  5. Anyone know if it's possible to buy the banner minifig on it's own without the mech? Thanks
  6. Agreed, only got Igor because he looks like a big fig
  7. Is anyone else wondering if lego or knock off companies will be making the full suit range for iron man that will be featured in TLG style in the new Lego: Avengers videogame? As its been revealed that all the suits are to get the official treatment and therefore will be alot more accurate and probably contain more pieces on individual suits to distinguish them :P like the new MK 33 pre order bonus for example? Context: http://www.dailysupe...terview_21.html
  8. I doubt it, the code for the game isn't out yet to my knowledge and the little blue stands only look like clear dishes not dimensions' stands :/
  9. Ooh a kick-megablocks minifig! wow I didn't know this site sensored swears xD *Kick @$$
  10. Can we remember that most of us are here because the bootleggers make minifigs and sometimes sets that are entirely custom?!
  11. You should make the arms flesh coloured as he only wears a t shirt in the movie :)
  12. Just got my Igor if anyone wants scale against anything :)
  13. Decool Igor Review
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