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Eurobricks Grand Dukes
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Everything posted by Murdoch17

  1. Murdoch17 replied to JopieK's post in a topic in LEGO Train Tech
    Refrigerator cars / Reefers didn't really exist / catch on in the Wild West of the era being presented in the set. (late 1860's through late 1870's by my guess) I know cattle were originally brought to big cities, slaughtered there, and then sold locally by butchers. (Chicago, St. Louis, and Kansas City are ones that come to mind first in that department.) I'm fairly positive insulation techniques then improved by the mid-1880s, and ice was then used to ship cuts of meats (up until the 1950s when mechanical refrigeration was made possible on a massive scale, of course!) Also, reefers don't have hay, spots for horses to graze, and windows of any kind up top.
  2. My Blacktron Army: 1x commander 4x officers 19x troopers 1x robot (HUGE thanks to my brother for giving me ~10 of his unwanted Blacktron torsos from the old GWP that were purchased from Pick-A-Brick back in 2023.) The new Blacktron Vendetta. I combined the Renegade with a new cockpit modified from the Blacktron Cruiser GWP, with added parts from a free Rebrickable MOC's instructions. The cargo pod is reverse engineered and modified from one posted in a Brickset article. More pictures to come somewhat soon of the Vendetta and the just-finished Blacktron space base....
  3. I didn't check, and all the spares are dumped into another bin... but I did have another error. While building the engine sections I was short of one red 78256. Luckily, since I didn't built the original set's cockpit so I had spares to fill in the hole.
  4. Mine 10355 is done, with some special modifications made! The new cockpit is taken from the Blacktron Cruiser GWP with added parts from a free Rebrickable MOC's instructions, while the cargo pod is reverse engineered and modified from one posted in a Brickset article. (You can view the Rebrickable MOC here, while the Brickset article about modifying 10355 can be viewed here.) Here's a bonus atmospheric shot and a short description: On the rain-soaked moon of Titan IV, Blacktron forces have a secret outpost, used for constructing and testing of new space ships and weapons. Completely hidden under the permanently stormy skies and helped by it's remote location, this outpost is also secluded by means of electronic scrambler devices and a camera-confusing layout, rendering any orbital ship / satellite photos unusable for anyone but those with the proper clearance codes. However, during times of high solar activity, the scrambler devices are turned off for fear of them being destroyed by the flares. In this extremely tight window, pictures may be taken of the base below. In one such solar window, a passing planetary mining survey ship from M-Tron managed to get a single photo of this new Blacktron ship sent off before transmission ceased abruptly... most likely by countermeasures being deployed by satellites to destroy the orbiting ship. Back at M-Tron corporate HQ, realizing that they had info on a new, previously unknown Blacktron ship, sent off copies to the Space Police for further investigation. This ship appears to be a combination of the cruiser type (SP codename 'Invader') and the frigate-type nicknamed by the Space Police as a 'Renegade', with this new hybrid between the two now named the 'Vendetta'. Beyond this single picture, nothing is known of it's capabilities and none have since been spotted in flight or combat. ...yet.
  5. Me! Nov. 28th is when i ordered, and my standard order still hasn't shipped. I'm not expecting it before Valentine's Day, honestly.
  6. Murdoch17 replied to JopieK's post in a topic in LEGO Train Tech
    The friction-y plastic axles are a major turn-off for me. That, and I just disassembled my 8 wide trains because they didn't match my other stuff. Thus, this is one set I'm not being suckered into buying by FOMO! Also, I hate that boxcar. American boxcars / cattle cars NEVER had cupolas on the roof. So there's another mark against it.
  7. SHHH! Don't jinx it! We need a proper Marvel train! Hopefully with more than one car and with the ability to take a motor! (A guy can dream, right?)
  8. I don't know many Marvel movies, but the word 'train' has my interest totally peaked. In fact, wasn't that phrase used in the second Spiderman Movie (2004) during the train scene? Or am I crazy? (I would sell my soul for a remake of set 4855!)
  9. How about Febrovery @YellowFrog? (I think I'm spelling that right....) It's all about building space rovers in February!
  10. What on Earth makes you say that @kosnevmisha? If it wasn't popular, LEGO wouldn't be making any money off Disney-related themes and would quietly drop them as a business partner. (which is not happening!) The only partner I could honestly see that happening to is DC Superheroes theme by Warner Brothers. (Now THERE is a theme that is on life support!) But Disney? It's Not happening... In fact, if I was a betting man, I'd put money on the Walt Disney Company / Mickey Mouse probably outliving us all.
  11. It's a Japanese manga series, a 1999 anime series with over 1,100 episodes (and counting!) and a bunch of films, plus a newer 2023 live action Netflix show. The only reason I know any of this is because: A) I looked it up on Wikipedia. B) I know some people who are obsessed with the older show and are really excited for it, but I'm not one of those people who cares one iota about this theme... if it's based off the original anime, it would shock me as it's far too adult for LEGO from what I've been told / been shown by my friend.
  12. Is anyone else disturbed by the dalmatian print on Cruella de Vil's dress? The whole point of 101 Dalmatians that she wants to make a dress out of puppies... so it looks like in some alternate timeline, she did just that!
  13. Don't forget that the Eugenics Wars of the 1990's / early 2000's never happened!
  14. Murdoch17 replied to XG BC's post in a topic in LEGO Train Tech
    @zephyr1934 That ex-EBT standard gauge 0-6-0 switcher had it's main rods cut in three places per side. It is now repainted and on display in a RR park somewhere in Red Bay, Alabama. See here for some pictures of it by a Flickr user I follow... it's very sad. ...Anyway, I love the MOC @XG BC! You nailed the abandoned RR look!
  15. For January 1 releases, I'm usually in line about two hours (give or take) before the store opens, and I'm usually not the first there. The one mall here in St. Louis with a LEGO store opens at 10, and the mad dash from the mall entrance door line to the LEGO store line is certifiably insane. The final line that forms at the store merges from multiple entrance door lines. Luckily, this year I managed to have a family member snag one online for me at midnight as they were ordering the entire Animal Crossing wave. (so I avoided the melee!)
  16. Murdoch17 replied to Vilhelm22's post in a topic in LEGO Train Tech
    Thanks everyone, I've passed the comments on to him!
  17. did it ever work for you @SpacePolice89?
  18. Murdoch17 replied to Vilhelm22's post in a topic in LEGO Train Tech
    My brother who doesn't have an EB account made this recolor of the 2024 Downtown Streetcar set into Metroliner colors and asked me to share it and his Flickr stream. Hope that's ok @JopieK and I hope you guys like it. He really is proud of it. I'm sharing it here because it's his only picture of it and it doesn't really warrant it's own thread with just one picture.
  19. Murdoch17 replied to Lyichir's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    @Lemerbrix if you leave, it'll be sad to see you go. Good luck wherever you go, have fun whatever you do, and may your brown bricks never be brittle, the presents you get always rattle, and your life be full of Danish ABS plastic forevermore!
  20. Jyn Erso: 'You're rebels, right? Well, I rebel.' (I'm so glad they got rid of that line in the finished film) Also: Happy New Year everyone!
  21. We need Q and a mariachi band!
  22. Murdoch17 replied to Duq's post in a topic in Forum Information and Help
    Tagging @Jim for help here with this.
  23. Welcome to Eurobricks! @SavaTheAggie has done something using a similar method with his 'quarter scale rail' project, which you can see here in his Flickr album about it. Also, as a side note: Eurobricks isn't meant to host photos @CodeHard. You need to find a outside site to host them like Flickr, Instagram, Bricksafe, or another site, then link them into your post. @JopieK can help you more with that as he's our moderator here in train tech.
  24. Why not both a crew battle-pack and the ship? That way people with the old set from 2011 have more crew, and people who have the new one also have more crewmembers. Win-win. Throw in a British redcoats (without flesh showing on torsos) battle-pack as well for extra fun, and it also is a win for older Pirates fans who can swap heads and hands for yellow. Win-Win-Win. After all, LEGO is in business to make money, and this would make them mountains of it. It's just good business () and would make the most sense to do this.
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