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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by Oliverphoenix

  1. A few pages back I noticed people were saying that these minifigs were made in high quality plastic just like the minifigs you would get in normal sets,however in the past few days I have bought several of these figures from WHSmiths and Toysrus and this is definately not the case. If you compare minifigs like the Nurse and Astronaut to other white lego minifigs you can clearly see a difference in the tone of the material,also there yellow minifig hands for example are more bright coloured like the ones you would get in a magnet or Tic Tac Toe set.Other signs that indicate a different quality are the lack of a black stamp on the torso assembly neck and a lack of a gloss type finish on certain items,the astronaut helmet really stuck out for me on this aspect.Theres a lot more signs as well but the point is that these minifigs are definately not the same quality as boxed set minifigs. Now I am not sure if this has been covered before but I really wanted to know other peoples experiences,is the quality of the minifigs released in the UK different to minifigs released in other European countries?
  2. Wow $110 for Home one...thats £110 with the current exchange rate .Seriously I didn't expect Home one or Endor to be any cheaper than $100 but I am intrigued on the UK prices,there going to be at least £80 each. Love the A-Wing design,something which I will mod abit but I hope the Rebel alliance symbols are printed decals and not stickers. I also like the Endor Rebel commandos,its a shame Endor Leia didn't have a extra cloth poncho neck piece but the printed torsos are awesome.What are the Rebel commando backpacks though exactly? Lastly the Republic Gunship and AT-OT are a big surprise,I will never get the set at that price unless they sell the AT-OT seperately oneday (yeah right) but its a fun looking set nevertheless.
  3. I like the green A-wing but will it be better than the 6207 A-wing in terms of build?The set has a few nice figures but some of the actual set design seems kinda ugly,i'm just hoping overall it has a sensible and affordable price tag especially with sets like Endor and Hoth coming out around the same time.
  4. Oliverphoenix replied to KimT's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    I am quite surprised by the UK prices as I expected them to cost a lot more considering the first wave of Clone wars was quite expensive,even the AAT which I expected to be £50 isn't to bad and I expected the Hyena to be at least £25 as well. I hope Ashoka's starfighter has a reasonable price tag,also don't like the black gear much in the battlepack...I prefer it grey.
  5. Sign me up for the nice offer thankyou.
  6. Oliverphoenix replied to KimT's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Some of the new Clone Wars stuff is awesome,The Clone trooper battlepack is cool apart from the walker though I suppose you could build it up and I like the new ATT very much. The Republic attack shuttle looks interesting as well though the yellow looks odd so I hope that changes on the final release,I also really dislike the Assassin droids battle pack...I doubt I would even get one. Obviously the UK prices will make a big difference as well,I'd be upset if the Clone trooper battlepack is more than £8.99 as thats already a high price and I am hoping sets like the ATT aren't £49.99.
  7. Wow the Pirate lego is just like it was in the 90s which I guess is both a good and a bad thing,not that I care much for the pirates themselves but the soldiers now have hat and revised tunic decals over the old versions...pretty cool and time to break out the Napoleonic army again. I must admit I did expect more out of the Pirate lego but then it is cool to see it again after so many years,look forward to castle and star wars pictures though.
  8. Funny enough I bought one today at my local WHSmiths though I have to wonder is a new Clone Trooper worth £3.99?I am tempted to get another magazine or two but if there is a new Clone Trooper battlepack next year like rumored then perhaps it might be better to wait rather than pay £3.99 for one Clone Trooper in terms of army building?
  9. The new chess set looks awesome but more of a collectors item than a army builder. Also has anyone else noticed that Lego Shop@home UK and other countries have new castle sets in?Like the Dwarve's Mine Defender and Tower raid etc?I'm sure they weren't around a day before so I had to order some : D.
  10. Oliverphoenix replied to KimT's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Who is the Shaak Ti imposter?I would of really liked a Shaak Ti minifig but I guess Ahsoka is a good start and looks cool. I really like the sets so far,the new accessories for specific Clone Troopers is beyond awesome and I really like the V-19 Torrent. I guess my only gripes are that all the sets are big again with all the best minifigs being in what most likely will be
  11. Is it me or do the vehicles and just the overall box art look like some toys from the 80's like M.A.S.K? Still I really don't like the sets nor the theme I'm sad to say,I feel like they could be so much better...
  12. Thanks for the images. The Juno figure is awesome and it be cool getting multiples as I would use the head for other themes like castle,still I wouldn't buy multiples of the Rogue shadow to do so...hopefully it will get reprinted in the future in a smaller set. The drop ship looks alright I guess,I think I'll buy the set for the stormtroopers and use the parts of the dropships to make something else.
  13. Thanks for the images. I really like the set and will be picking up several though I must admit the one thing I hate is the stickers,I personally hate the idea of lego and stickers...what happened to the printed decals? Also $9.99...I guess for certain that translates to
  14. Personally I hope a Shaak Ti minifig is attached to one of the sets as that would be awesome,still I look foward to the V-19 torrent and well I have no idea on the Twilight...I guess we will see what it is in the near future. Still I guess the odd thing about these sets is the Exo-force type heads,getting minifigs of characters that were previously unreleased is cool and all but they don't exactly fit in with the other SW lego?
  15. Oliverphoenix replied to KimT's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    I really like the female Imperial officer minifig,I'll have to put her in my star destroyer bridge as the new commanding officier...Grand Moff Tarkin and co will have to vacate to the nearby escape pod :-D. The Rogue shadow doesn't look as bad now we have better images,the hellfire droid set looks horrible apart from the spider droid,the Rebel scout speeder is a amazing troop builder and now Stormtroopers have something to shoot at,the imperial dropship is a decent troop builder as well...shame it didn't have another female imperial officer instead of the imperial pilot,the AT-AP looks average though I will most likely avoid it due to price and the Jedi starfighter...it just reminds me constantly of Exo-force and not in a good way.
  16. Set 5615 is awesome and I thought castle Tic tac toe was a awesome troop builder,shame the silver armour doesn't have the cool plate mail decal but the set is still very good and the new torso decal for the minifig looks really nice...like a palace guard or Kings bodyguard etc. Hopefully it be
  17. Wow I love all the figures and weapons etc in this set,the orcs are really cool and are the best part of the set and even have crude orcish weapons and helmets. The troll is...ok I guess,make it a mace or whatever and I guess it could serve as a attack troll. Even though I'm not to keen on big monster things which get in the way the dragon (fellbeast) with barding is a interesting idea. Well even though the theme is blantant LOTRs I like it very much,the set is brillant for the orc minifigs alone but I hope they become available with the Dwarfs in much smaller army builder type sets...otherwise I'm going to have a pitiful Orc army.
  18. Oliverphoenix replied to KimT's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Is it me or does the Rogue Shadow look dreadful?Its going to be one of them sets which is like
  19. Couldn't they just print pointed ear decals on either side of the head along with the face?Thats how I envision them doing elves if they ever do it rather than wig/hat pieces with actual ears,somehow I just don't think that would work well. New style bows are a must of course.
  20. Lol I would love to see a Lego Elves vs Dark Elves theme with Lodoss war Deedlit and Pirotess looking minifigs,it would definately be a dream come true and be a nice 3rd Castle wave. Still we have yet to see if theres going to be any other Dwarf sets in the future as well if those minifigs are truely goblins and not Knights Kingdom in disguise.
  21. Wow first Undead and now Dwarfs?These are the castle sets I have been wanting for like 15 years and are definately my favourite castle theme ever. The troll looks fun and it be even more awesome if those 2 minifigs are indeed Goblins,we may never get LOTR lego but this is a brillant sub...hopefully there will be some smaller sets to go with them?
  22. Very odd line-up though i'm glad its all new and actually interesting rather than just a moderned up version of a old set,I definately look foward to the AT-PT and the Storm trooper dropship and Rogue shadow sound cool as well. I wonder what the battlepacks could be?Perhaps something as equally odd and unexpected?
  23. Nice to see the Knight in the jousting set does come with the amazing decaled armour and it wasn't just limited to a big set,still all the sets seem pretty decent and as they are much cheaper than I thought they would be I'm going to be buying multpiles of all 3 sets for army buidling. That also leads me to question Legos logic,why is a set like 7091
  24. Oh wow I never realized the princess had a new hairpiece,I thought it was the one from the Star wars line,plus her outfit decals look pretty smart to. I really love this years castle sets and I personally feel its up there as one of Legos best Castle themes,however I feel this set could of been better.The dragon looks pretty bad and I would of rather had more minifigs instead (more princesses!) but they really should of built up the back of the tower more,it looks far to empty and they could of easily made a table with some potions on or a jail cell or a dungeon pit or something. Still I will pick up a copy of this set once its released here in the UK,thanks for the review.
  25. Very wierd and typical there has to be light where Sandy is supposed to be,still by zooming in on the image you can see/guess theres a clear dome piece with a pink flower on top and a very unclear lego head and body. Perhaps the set will fade into the background and will never be heard off again though I hope we see the set released in the future,a Sandy minifig would be very cool...well if it looks right...
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