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Eurobricks Vassals
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    Winter village

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  1. Enough time for TLG to expand the cardboard strength to 4cm and include a 300 piece set to reach the 1.3 kg.
  2. I just increased the coal cart with 2 studs and put the 9v Motor under it.
  3. With 8878 instead of 88000 as the batterybox you could dial the speed with the poti: See here at 1:50
  4. The bigger passenger car helps a lot, this version could compete with 10173. How much is the piece count now? The length would be a half circle right?
  5. Indeed, but I don't want a second motor under the coal cart, I would make something like this to power the motor directly. The video that I saw was this here: A strange man in his barn...
  6. I meant like geeting the power of the old metal tracks directly into the new pf train motor, so you don't need the IR receiver or battery box. I found a video on youtube where someone uses the old axles in a new motor and it runs, so it is possible to use the voltage. So you have red wheels in the train and the power comes from the coal cart custom-wheels, all running in an old track setup, great!
  7. Does anyone know if the pf train engine in compatible (voltage and how it "works") with the old 9V power supply? To clarify it, would it be possible to use something like this... http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?i=936292 ... in the coal cart to power the pf train motor with the old 9v power supply? So you can use the red wheeled engine without the batterybox and IR just simply with the old 9V setup?
  8. Maybe Eurobricks can make this the new "Winter Village Contest 2016". Extend the train with a self designed passenger car.
  9. If you want IR controlled yes but I assume you can bypass it with a switch too, haven tried it though: http://shop.lego.com...rol-Switch-8869
  10. I just realized that the coal cart is only 8 studs long? The 10173 one was 12 right? So we have to extend it, if we want to place the old 9v motor in it. The 9v with the black wheels would look bad with the big red wheel, any other ideas?
  11. Nothing, it's the official site, maybe that's the new christmas green. So you need: $12.99 LEGO-Power-Functions-IR-Speed-Remote-Control-8879 $14.99 LEGO-Power-Functions-IR-Receiver-8884 $12.99 LEGO-Power-Functions-AAA-Battery-Box-88000 $13.99 LEGO-Power-Functions-Train-Motor-88002
  12. Ah I see, in the black version is the PF in the coal cart, so the motor must be in the train, so with pf there is no interior in the engine itself right? I think old 9v will be the better looking choice then.
  13. Any reason why the engine's front bogie has different axle colors in the photos? On the back of the box in the upper right they are black. See here: and here: Maybe just random...
  14. Well Rick, you know how this topic started right? I give you a hint: Does this qualify as a rumour or baseless speculation? Anyway I want that damn candy shop... Hmmmm, well I'm unsure. Really.
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