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  1. Hi, and perdon my intrusion ! Ninjago is one of the new theme that i really can't wait to see !! I hope, however, that the minifig in single pack won't have some """compatibility""" issue, as for exemple the minifigure collectible series have with "casual" minifigs. Well, on that point, i am unsure of the "video game" definition. I meant, over the lego universe forum, some did "file diving", revealing some file name containing ninjago and spinjutsu. That with the official anounce made a day or so before, i'm pretty sure lego universe will have a more or less big world to welcome ninjago. I can easyly imagine code accesses, you know, kinda like many CCG or collectibles game (bakugan, yu gi oh online, ect ...). Now, will it be on the casual multyplateforms ( DS, XBOX, PC, PS3, WII, ... ) as a stand alone game ? I guess we'll have to wait to know the last word of the story :B
  2. Daoh-ji replied to parchioso's post in a topic in LEGO Pirates
    well .... i did a long time reflection last time at toys r us with the package in hand, and finally i didn't took it .... now that i know it hold 72 gems, i'll definitely get it one day or another, thanks to your review ;D
  3. currently, to be pretty honest, i find them .... really empty. Mission-wise, you only have 3 to get to build a rocket in the end; they are still full of glitch; the current models builded by fans don't look so breath-taking (i don't say i do better but ... there is on moonbase like ... one rocket, one building and some crab alien .... it DOES feel empty.) ... except, maybe, on my favorite one out of the 3 currently available : jadeoria. That world have a tiny sort of dragon critter that looks adorable, and the rocket you can build there is at his/her image :) I am waiting for new world (lups, i meant) to get a full and complete point of view on these, but for me that's kind of a bad start ...
  4. Daoh-ji replied to The Middleman's post in a topic in Community
    Maybe you where asking yourself "how do the new member looks like ???" ... but maybe you where not .... mh ! Either way, here i am x3 http://yfrog.com/f/0ddsc01175vj/
  5. Wow, long response to that question ! I've put spoilers :3 Many thanks to everyone for the warm welcome ^o^
  6. Daoh-ji replied to Jipay's post in a topic in Community
    I am listening to cryoshell's songs, these time ... But i am pretty sure i can also link you to some pretty cool song i know that no one has ever heard of :3 I'll begin with FUNKIST. It's ... really unique, you should listen ! They are seven in the group, and "style-wise", it sounds mostly like japanese pop mixxed with reagge influences i think. Also the flutist is really talented :O I discovered them while i was watching the anime of Fairy Tail, of which they did the first ending ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYFKte4Jtgg ). My current favorite would be border, and the clip is pretty unique ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_mv6AScKnY ) Their latest song is really good, too :3 ( http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTgwNDE1NjQ0.html )
  7. Wow, the new atlantis set really sounds like fun in perspective ... There are two new key ! Did someone got those, already (the key, i meant)? I can't wait to put my hand on those yellow flippers ... they'll be perfect for my current guardian creation .... *HA HA HA HA HA, IT'S ALIIIVE* Oh, sorry. I soo want an army of those new hammer-head shark, too ! The first shark soldier was good, but it's too bad he's in a box ""that costly"" (i meant that we could easyly do a mantis army with 40$, while for the same amount you would get 3 sharkey, either new or old, i guess). Breeef, i can't wait for january ^^
  8. Hi. I am usually known as Daoh / Daoh-ji or Shinoryu / Khares on some other place over the net. I am 22 (8th april), single, i speak fluently french (mhhh, yeah, as it's my mother language), i manage to write somehow comprehensibly in english (so, you noticied ? xDD). My first hobby, and maybe what cost me the most currently, is video game. Role playing game, Action-adventure, real time strategy, catch'em all, those are my favorite genre. I am more of a portable player, i have one ds panzer and one dsi, i can't wait for the 3DS to come stateside :3. Of course, playing video game made it logical that, at some point, i'd get interested in MMO. And oooooooooohhh ... i did. I played many, mostly rp. My beloved and recurring universe count the ankama's saga (Dofus and Wakfu), S4League (that is one of the rare fps i like), and i tend to test some new one from time to time ... Yeah, i saw the question comming ; That meant i have bought and i am currently playing lego universe :P In Lego, what's attracting to me is the collection aspect it have. I am creative i think, but i'm not so good with lego :/. I should sit down and watch the elders building, so i could learn the basic of that art ! But, back on the interest topic ... I do like drawings. Oh, no, it dosen't mean i have the pencil in hand, i meant it from a watcher's viewpoint. I am enjoying anime and mangas style, and i have a big crush for furry, too (furry is, in my mind the global definition for anthro charas ... everybody know tom & jerry, right ? Well, those are some). For the ones with insatiable curiousity, i currently live in switzerland, and i didn't still find myself job-wise. I have an alimentary job for now. And voilà, i think ... des questions, monsieurs-dames ?
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