Everything posted by Stardusty
Obi Wan's Speeder Bike
Yes, it's imaginary. K2-OBSB was speeder bike designed especially for members of Jedi order and high ranked clones during the Clone Wars. Since it's high cost it was produced in small number (less than 50 ever produced). One of them was tested by Jedi Master Obi Wan Kenobi. It has never seen any battles because it was considered to much expensive and vulnerable (spelling?). Most of them were bought by some rich persons (identity of them is secret) and only 1 stayed in factory in whick it was produced (for museum). K2-OBSB was armed with small blaster cannons hidden in front part of it (modified brick with 1x1 plate cut-out). It passed almost every test with best possible results, but because of already mentioned troubles, it was retired before any real battle These are some outdoor shots I took. Maybe I'll deeplink more of them tommorow or later. New picture of OBi Wan's speeder by hrcywindu, on Flickr Another Happy Landing by hrcywindu, on Flickr More pics on Brickshelf: Rate (if you wish) on MOCpages: Thank you everyone who organized this great contest. This little MOC (44 pieces) was such a fun to build. My entry for Personal Vehicle category is almost finished by now and I am glad I entered into the contest. I hope you like it! Please C&C!
It sure looks nice, although I have no idea what it is.
[MOC] Mandalorian Battle Break
It's nice little scene made with Mandalorian Battlepack. I like it and I hope to see more on some more egzotic locations (if it's possible).
JT's Bratmobile
I think it's awesome.
Attacking the Outpost
This is very well made MOC. And I am really jealous because of Aayla and number of Horn company troopers you have.
Steam Wars Characters
Boba and Vader are my favourites. Every minifig is creative and well made. Good job!
MOC: Nyla and June from Avatar
It's funny that I watched on of the episodes in which she appears today (The Pheonix King) Anyway, the creature is very well made, but June. I like you MOC!
D2C Contest: Attack of the dojo
Your MOC is stunning. Only thing I miss is more NinjaGo Ninjas.
D2C Contest: Attack on the Nile
I am so sad when I look at you MOC. Why this isn't a real set. Great build and box art made by your friend is nice too.
MOC: Werewolf and its prey
Great job Etzel, build is simple, but looks awesome.
MOC: Gnome and his stump
Your MOC makes me want to live alone in forest. It's beautiful, bravo!
Let's share our funny interesting photos!
smokebelch, your pictures are masterpiece. Other photos are good/great, too.
MOD: R2-D2 thrusters and periscope
I think you should make few hundreds of these and sell them (just joking, I know that would take to much time). Although it's a joke, I would like to have at least one. Anyway, it great. Are you planing to do it with other R2/R4 droids you have?
Until the lights leave your eyes!
I don't know... What you have done is great, and I'm sure a lot of people love those kind of faces, but I like CW faces more. Anyway, it seems like a lot of hard work there and it looks good. It would be great if LEGO would use something like that in non-CW sets, so t's possible to get CW faces in CW sets and half CW, half nonCW faces in non-CW sets, because CW figs are much more detailed. How did you do that?
[MOC] The Fragile
I like oval shape of it. Actually, it looks pretty good.
MINI Armored Assault Tank (AAT), Separatists style
I have almost missed this great mini model. When I first loojed at it, it seemed much bigger and realistic, but now I see it's small and realistic. It's awesome!
CubeDude Luke Skywalker Pilot
That's so cute (and a bit creepy because of visor). It's much better than you first try. I hope you'll make some diorama with CubeDudes one day, because this on is amazing. Keep up the good work Butterman!
MINI Millennium Falcon (YT-1300 Transport)
This is great and instantly recognisable mini MF. Your mini models always amaze me. Technicue used on back part is great! Good job Legostein.
Character Rides Contest
This is great! I have never build imaginary starfighter before. Can it be a scrap build of few models? (Like something assemled on some junkyard in Tatooine.) I already have an idea for personal vehicle. Is it allowed to make a mech as personal vehicle?
I am waiting for Flare's entry to vote, although my opinion is: Go Flare!!!!! At least my sigfig isn't the only one with original LEGO hair that Bieber copied and used to promote himself. Girls should be screaming "LEGO!!!", not "JB!!!".
D2C Contest: Ninjago Battle Chess Arena
What's the price, I want to buy it so hard! Oh, wait, that's entry for D2C contest. It is awesome. Drawers for storing the figs are excellent idea. It could be used for storing LEGOs too. Clock is beautiful. Are those original LEGO pieces (maybe from Hogwarts set?) or sticker you have made? (I am thinking about the clock) Great idea and great job kris.
Micro Grievous' starfighter
That's so cute rendition of GGS in such a small scale. I think I'll get parts I need to build it for some micro diorama (unless you would be against that, then I would simply put it on the desk and look at it ). Great job Butterman!
LEGO® Pokémon
gogocar said everything Old team (Ash, Brock (?), Misty) were best. I really loved that cartoon. I still love it. It is so nice to watch Pokemon episodes whenever it's possible. That reminds me when it was on television and I played with my friends. Pikachu, I was always Pikachu. Ah, that makes me nostalgic. I wish it appears on RTL, like Dragonball Z. Anyway, I should probably comment you MOC. Trap: awesome build. That makes me even more nostalgic. I liked all those little tricks and Team Rocket flying to the skies and disappearing in little white star. Ash and others: Awwww, Pikachu is so cute. I like custom figs, too. Team rocket: They are really cool too. Magnemite is awesome. 10/10 Great job Joris Blok.
WIP Davor & Kost Tatooine diorama
You just can't register on Kockice, gogocar... I have told you to do that in Primošten at least 10 times. EXPO 2011 will be in September (probably). Back on-topic: I have already commented this great and huge WIP on Kockice, but I think there were no plans of diorama there. kost_u_grlu, you sure know how to build vehicles and Davor, street layout is fantastic. I didn't know it's going to be diorama of that size.
Historic LEGO Photography
Lol. Last one is great. Dwarfs in snow are so cool. There's a lot of great pictures here. You were in Croatia? When? Where (Zagreb or only cityes on coast?)?
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