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Eurobricks Knights
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Everything posted by Stardusty

  1. I thought that MW's JSF was Spring release but it is already listed on German LEGO shop (price 40 euros). So, does anyone has it? When are we going to get a review? If someone owns one I would be grateful if he/she makes a review.
  2. Thank you for good review. Now I'm thinking about buying more than 3 Clone BP's when they come to Croatia. I wasn't so excited about ARF Trooper but he is beautiful. Although, Horn Company Trooper is way more cooler.
  3. Thank you for review! It's great (review)! I love the shuttle, it looks pretty cool. I'll get it, because I don't have any minifig form that set. Can you give us few better pictures of Shaak Ti and Saesee (or only Shaak Ti, I don't care so much about Saesee).
  4. Great review! Set is pretty cool to. I'll get it when I get a chance.
  5. Can we post an entry on 31st December? Is that last day of game or we must post entry before? I have little trouble with some pieces.
  6. Does Anakin in podrace set has printed orange visor or something like that on his face? I still like most of these sets. SI has some great pieces.
  7. Yes! Can't wait for more whacks! Go Jammie! All I now need is Sprite and pocorns.
  8. Stardusty replied to Kazeneko's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    It looks really nice, but I must say that I don't like using so many things from two winter sets. You MOC looks more like MOD of Winter Toy Shop (pay attention on 4th picture). However, it looks good.
  9. Well, I'm probably going to get this: Republic Frigate - Quinlan Vos, Eeth Koth (?), Yoda + 2 clones Sith Infiltrator - Qui-Gon, Padme, Darth Maul and someone else <-----best set of summer wave Dathomir Speeder - Assaj Ventress, Savage Opress, Anakin Geonosis Starfighter - Ki Adi Mundi adn few other minifigures OMG! I 2011 I am going to buy: T-6 Halo BoN x2/3 Mando BP x2 Clone BP x3 Sith Infiltrator Republic Frigate Dathomir Speeder x2 Geonosis Starfighter That's 14/15 sets. Yap! I am going to have enough money. Sith Infiltrator is really cool.
  10. How do you mean palm tree? That palm tree is made with technic pieces (brown curved connectors and probably red axles) on 2x2 curved brick with axle hole in the middle and palm tree top on which is leaves. I can make it in LDD if you want, but I think you know how it is builded.
  11. Lol! I haven't commented your comics for some time. I don't like insulting CW minifigures, I love their cartoonish look, but joke "I wish I had your face!" is hilarious. And this last one is epic too. I wish I have Aayla Secura minifig. To bad it's more than 24$ on BL.
  12. Wait, so we can use non-LEGO elements (like paper, toothpicks...)? Does this one minifig must be SW because I have one interesting idea that is still SW-ish? Great contest, maybe this will be my first on EB.
  13. Wow, some of these MOC's are really great. Why didn't you use the cape for Bariss Ofee (?) --- I'm not sure did I write it exactly.
  14. Your pics are great. And Speeder looks like it's moving fast. Good job!
  15. Review is pretty good. I like this set much more than before. I really like most of CW faces, so this set is OK to me.
  16. My comments: Banana Balance -- awesome, bunch of bananas, monkey and leaves (you can't have enough of them) Ninjago -- I'll pass it by Sun Block -- same as Ninjago, altough one of this pieces could be used as umbrella (I don't know English word for umbrella that protects you from sun ) Ramses Return -- nothing special Frog Rush -- wow! 5 red, 5 yellow, 5 green and 5 brown frogs, one word wow --- must have
  17. Great review, now I will definetly buy this set.
  18. Pictures are great! I really like MW's astromech. Tactical droid is cool, to. If it's going to be available in Croatia, I'll buy it (or maybe from BL).
  19. Thank you for help and pretty fast answer. Ok, I'm not a hacker, so I can only make "wish-list" for LDD...
  20. Can I make a print for LEGO piece in LDD? How? I just can't look in Grievous and Clone troopers without print. Thanks for any kind of help.
  21. MY first association was one field in game Stronghold Crusader. Shape of you landscape simple reminds me on that. What ever! Your MOC is supercool. Can you make some close-ups on the fish skeleton outside the castle?
  22. Stardusty replied to davee123's post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    I always like to see high-detailed SNOT-ed creations. Good job.
  23. I saw it already. You can get 2 in... (I don't know names of those heroes ) Still, those are really cool and I like them much more than trans-light blue ones.
  24. Wow, now I want T-6 much more than before. Shaak ti is beatiful.
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