Everything posted by Stardusty
Character Rides Personal Ship Winners
Congatulations to the winners! All the enries were great, but the best always stand out. I'm 8th, yay!
Single Pane Star Wars Funnies
I'm constantly following this thread, but I do not comment. Well, there are some hilarious Single Pane Star Wars Funnies, and I think Oky's and CoP's would be my favorites. Nice job, everyone! I'm glad my comment inspired you. @LuxorV: It should be 'Houston', but it's still funny.
[MOC] Mission 10.1 - Geonosis: a Sandbox from Hell
Very nice vignette Brickdoctor. ARC-170 starfighter is brilliant. I'm planning to build one, too, but in 1:120 scale. Once again, that vignette is awesome, just awesome!
WW Category 3: Jessy the bandit
Although vignette is very nice, I have troubles with finding custom decals or items in this MOC. I've really hoped there will be more custom stuff in this contest. Anyway, nice job Cecilie.
MOC: the Jedi Council!
This is brilliant! Great job! And your collection of Jedi masters... :Q_________
If this is a consular ship, WHERE is the ambassador?
Small build, but very nice. Studfull look makes it look better from this angle, so I can only say: Nice job!
[MOC] 1:120 X-wing
I'm glad you like it! Yes, yes they are. That was only choice I had, and it works really good (although wings can fall-off while changing the S-foil mode).
LEGO: Graphic Designers Wanted!
This is definetly job I would like to do when I grow up. I try to learn as much as possible every day about graphic design and 3D design.
Council jedi
Yoda and Saesee Tiin. Every character is in MOC. Shape of the walls is very well made, but I'm pretty sure some tiles wouldn't hurt.
[MOC] 1:120 X-wing
Thank you for your comments. I got the guns right, actually, but it isn't visible very well on this pictures. I think I have picture of it. They extend all the way to the 1x1 tile behind the nose (that's white, since I don't have LBG cheese slopes).
REVIEW: 7962 Anakin's & Sebulba's Podracers
Wonderfull review of a wonderfull set. Thank you CoP. I'm still thinking should I get it. I prefer buying parts, and this set is expensive, but it is so awesome. Well, this set looks very good in my eyes. I hope I'll find it on sale.
Y-Wing / Death Star Diorama
Wow! You've even made 6-wide engines. Custom cockpit and greebles ( ) look just awesome. Very nice job!
DS Core Shaft
You're the master of cool, huge MOCs, ACPin. Awesome job, once again!
[MOC] 1:120 X-wing
Feel free to consider it a teaser for my 1:40 X-wing WIP project. I wanted to build and X-wing, so I've finnaly made one. Also, I would like to thank Fallenangel309 for providing me with some very usefull links, that are helpfull no matter in what scale you're making an X-wing. 1:120 X-wing 1:120 X-wing by hrcywindu, on Flickr I know I've made rear end and cockpit wrong, but this time I wanted cool look, not acuracy. It's to small to nitpick on every detail (what I almost did). I promise that my minifig scale X-wing will be the most acuratte one you've ever seen. I hope you like it! Please C&C! EDIT: I should really visit EB SW blog more often. Thanks for blogging!
Runamuck’s Avatar MOCs
Wow! War baloon is amazing! Until I've noticed Zuko, last part of the episode "The Northern Air Temple" was only thing in my head. I like episodes "The Boiling Rock Part 1&2" much more than "The Northern Air Temple". I can't believe they didn't popped in my head. Monkey from "The Waterbending Scroll" should be much smaller. Koh looks great. At the moment I saw his face I was laughing so hard because of "Everybody Loves Raymond", and was scared. That's creepy! Kyoshi warriors look great, but Suki reminds me on Chancellor Palpatine. Brrrr! Komodo-rhinos are very nice, like Unagi, although it's to small.
WW Category 3: Is this the end for Tuco?
Wow, very nice! Is that decal applied as sticker, or toi the torso (as a print). If it's the second one, please explain how (I'm planning to make my custom fig too, and this could be usefull). You can explain it on PM if you want to. (Pleeeeeeeeease! )
Single Pane Star Wars Funnies
This was actually funnier than funny itself. If you want a perfect Snowspeeder follow Larry Lars' instructions. @CoP: I just can't help myself. When ever you post a single pane funny I laugh like an idiot (that's what my mom said ).
I'm running out of space
If I ever get to that stage I'll be really, really, really happy. So, how is it to be your own neighbour? Do you get newspapers two times? And that's all I wanted to ask. @Pennas: 1765 sets in 2 years? And you're surprised you've ran out of room?! That's like 2,5 sets per day. You're living LEGO dream.
Single Pane LEGO Licensed Theme Funnies
In that case, either Aang or Firelord shouldn't wear pants. Good ones!
- LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors
Solid Gold C3PO question
I don't think that's the print on the torso.
Review: 7879 Hoth Echo Base
Thank you for great review of worst SW set that came out this year. Play features are horrible, and everything is so cramped. Falling icycles is good idea, but they did it in horrible way. If they were 5-6 bricks higher it would be great. By the way, legs of Medical Droid are placed wrong on this picture:
General Grievous custom minifig
Now I'm tempted to buy DBG hose and do that with my GG. Very cool custom.
The Ember Island Theater
So, you've made it after all, and I haven't seen it until now. I'm so ashamed. I'll start with the figs: Katara looks great, although I think her hair is a bit longer. Aang's headgear looks good tome. It is to big, but it's accurate enough. Figures of all characters in play are awesome. No mater how funny Toph looks, my favorite is Jedd. Scene of his death is well done. You do know that character playing Katara was much more fat than "real" ( ) Katara? Just like official LEGO version, you Momo looks oversized, but still good. What do you think was worse? A:TLA movie or 'Boy in the Iceberg' play in 'Ember Island Players'. I think it was the movie. Just like Sokka said: At least special effects were decent. And that's all that was good in the movie: special effects. (they've even said legendary siege of Ba Sing Se (I'm planning to make that one in micro-scale for a while) lasted for 100 days ) Once again, very nice job. I'm not sure what do I like more: this MOC or the one with Lu Ten's birthday (Tales of Ba Sing Se were great). Conclusion: A+
WW Category 2: Western Carnival
First entry and bar is so high already. Nice job, Matija.
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